h4v6sY |
牛虻咬【也爱咬河里洗澡的人,和黄蜂毒刺一样痛,傍晚最多,体型像苍蝇但要大,】咬后起包,包消了就掉毛,来咬时先会盘旋飞几圈,用拍子可以拍死,你去经常养牛放牛的人那里问问就知道了,他们放牛时常拿个拍子,牛会滚泥浆咬不到, h4v6sY |
正确,大家放心用上面的方法去治疗。 h4v6sY |
先谢了! h4v6sY |
提高马厩铺垫物质量并经常更换, 铺垫物适当潮湿一避免扬尘, 但有要避免过于潮湿而滋生霉菌, 饲草应杜绝霉变, 圈养的马应注意有充足的空气接触. 勤给马洗澡以减少身体接触花粉. Rees advises. "Unfortunately, some horses are so allergic—so bad off—that they need antihistamines, allergy shots or corticosteroids such as dexamethasone. In horses, one has to be careful with excessive use of steroids due to the concern for hoof issues and laminitis," Rees says 但有些过敏非常严重的马, 要用上面提到的药抗过敏(不翻了). Ringworm is caused by a highly contagious fungal infection, not a worm, and is named for the shape of the skin lesions, which take on a ring-like appearance. Each ringworm forms a circle with a raised edge that encircles a hairless and often scabby patch ringworm, 是高度真菌感染造成的, 其名自其形状- ,环形, 毛发掉,结疤状。 有机物侵入毛发,弱化并使其脱落,可能原因有:年龄(过大,或过小),营养不良,拥挤的环境。 真菌可能持续存在达一年所以有在发的可能;马之间会通过马具/鞍垫/马衣/垫铺/栏杆等传染。健康马一般得一次后可免疫; 征兆:小块麻疹状和鳞片壳状皮肤损伤,通常发生于鞍子下,面部,脖颈;损伤处有也可能没有痒或痛感; 治愈:通常可一到三个月自愈;日晒有益;为缩短治疗时间,可使用抗真菌类药物,可选范围比较多,如洗必泰,霉康唑,制霉菌素,特彼耐芬,大面积皮肤损伤更可方便地用抗真菌洗涤剂, 比如石硫合剂 甚至稀释的醋; 环境方面用漂白液和商用除菌剂喷洒环境。 以上药本人不懂啊, 但我给我的马用过治疗脚气的那种抗真菌剂。 ringworm) is caused by various fungi. “The organism invades the hairshaft, weakening it and causing it to break off,” Dr. Sargent says. “Predisposing factors include age (young and aged), poor nutrition and crowded conditions. The fungi can persist in the environment for up to one year and therefore are an important source for reinfection.” “Horse-to-horse transmission is common, especially in groups of young horses or in sick horses that are immunosuppressed. Spread of the spores via infected tack, blankets, bedding, trailers or fencing can occur. It is rare for healthy horses to get ringworm more than once as usually a horse develops immunity after being infected,” Dr. Sargent explains. Look for: Small hairless lesions that sometimes look like hives and scaly or crusty areas, typically located in the saddle, face and neck areas. Lesions may or may not be itchy or painful. Treatment: “Ringworm is usually self-limiting, with the horse getting better in one to three months without treatment,” Dr. Sargent states. “Exposure to sunshine is thought to be beneficial. To shorten the course of the disease, affected horses can be treated topically with a wide variety of antifungal treatments, such as chlorhexidine, miconazole, nystatin, terbinafine, et cetera. Widespread lesions are best treated with antifungal rinses or dips, such as lime sulfur or even diluted vinegar. Disinfecting the environment, tack and grooming equipment with diluted bleach or commercial antifungal premise sprays is extremely important.” h4v6sY |
对不起, 本人对西药不熟! h4v6sY |
这是几天前拍的,现在不是这样 h4v6sY |
请教一下,可否有西药治疗? h4v6sY |
回楼主; 这像荨麻疹, 可试以下方子; 內服: 消黄散 - 黄药子/白药孑子/知母/贝母/栀子/大黄/黄芩/防风/郁金各20克, 黄芪/连翘/蝉蜕各30克,扑硝60克, 甘草15克. 共研为细末, 加蛋清4只, 用开水冲调成糊状灌服. 一服便可! 外用 : 防风汤 - 防风/花椒/荆芥/薄荷/苦参/黄柏各50-80克/服, 加水煎30分钟再对开水得约4-5升药汤, 待温后遍涂擦患, 待风干后再清洗, 每天一次, 连续5天后看病情加减! h4v6sY |