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发布时间: 2013-7-10 23:03


有段时间了 这是啥问题啊? h4v6sY


一笑而过 发表于 2013-10-11 06:59:03
猪八戒 发表于 2013-7-19 22:08:39
知识啊 学习
bee_kid 发表于 2013-7-13 10:10:10
回复 13# 蝈蝈

蝈蝈 发表于 2013-7-12 17:15:56
青马因缺乏黑色素, 在年老后确是常见长出不同的肿瘤! 就是有白脚的马匹, 在年长后, 其白脚也是常见会长出些 ...
bee_kid 发表于 2013-7-11 13:23

赵子龙 发表于 2013-7-11 22:55:52
回复  yoyo1013
那可用针挑破之后涂上高锰酸钾溶液(紫药水)便成, 沒大碍!
bee_kid 发表于 2013-7-11 11:25

司马青衫 发表于 2013-7-11 17:27:02
热心肠,赞一个。 h4v6sY
qiuqiuba 发表于 2013-7-11 13:27:09
版主有经验.问答很到位. h4v6sY
bee_kid 发表于 2013-7-11 13:23:05
青马因缺乏黑色素, 在年老后确是常见长出不同的肿瘤! 就是有白脚的马匹, 在年长后, 其白脚也是常见会长出些粒状的瘤包! h4v6sY
qiuqiuba 发表于 2013-7-11 13:13:21


仅供参考阿 有些象上面维基百科说的 黑素瘤. 是发病于 尾部,唇周的小节. 易发于青灰色马, 十五岁以上青灰马据统计有80%. 66%青灰马发病后反映为良性. 深色马发病后容易趋向于恶化. 对于记录的发病马的跟踪研究结果发现, 占总体发病马14%有转移情况. 发病症状: 尾根部反面; 生殖器; 嘴周; 延腮侧的皮肤; 初期为单个小的突起,随后可能会随着时间慢慢增多连成片. 治疗: 一般小的黑素瘤不用治疗,但如果肉瘤增大引起不适可手术切除, 小于3厘米的可用Cisplatin(顺双氯双氨泊铂- 不懂)和 冷冻法. 但肉瘤可能会重新复发. 对一些马, 用Cimitidine( 西咪替丁,甲氰咪胺), histamine(组胺) 可消退肉瘤. 但过程要持续三个月以上. h4v6sY
qiuqiuba 发表于 2013-7-11 12:33:31
Melanoma[edit] Multiple nodules at the tail-base. Small nodules at the lip commisure.Common sites for melanomaMelanoma results from abnormal proliferation and accumulation of melanocytes, pigmented cells within the dermis. Gray horses over 6-years-old are especially prone to developing melanoma.[23] The prevalence of melanoma in gray horses over 15-years-old[24] has been estimated at 80%.[18] One survey of Camargue-type horses found an overall population prevalence of 31.4%, with prevalence increasing to 67% in horses over 15-years-old.[25] Up to 66% of melanomas in gray horses are benign,[18] but melanotic tumors in horses with darker hair-coats may be more aggressive and are more often malignant.[26] One retrospective study of cases sent to a referral hospital reported a 14% prevalence of metastatic melanoma within the study population. However, the actual prevalence of metastatic melanoma may be lower due to infrequent submission of melanotic tumors for diagnosis.[27] Common sites for metastasis include lymph nodes, the liver, spleen, lung, skeletal muscle, blood vessels and parotid salivary gland.[27] Clinical signs[edit]The most common sites for melanotic tumors are on the under-side of the tail near the base, on the prepuce, around the mouth or in the skin over the parotid gland (near the base of the ear).[23] Tumors will initially begin as single, small raised areas that may multiply or coalesce into multi-lobed masses (a process called melanomatosis) over time.[3] Horses under 2-years-old can be born with or acquire benign melanotic tumors (called melanocytomas), but these tumors are often located on the legs or trunk, not beneath the tail as in older animals.[28] h4v6sY
qiuqiuba 发表于 2013-7-11 12:30:25
不知能访问吗, 可对比里面的最后一张照片 h4v6sY
yoyo1013 发表于 2013-7-11 12:19:17
谢谢啦······· h4v6sY
bee_kid 发表于 2013-7-11 11:25:52
那可用针挑破之后涂上高锰酸钾溶液(紫药水)便成, 沒大碍! h4v6sY
yoyo1013 发表于 2013-7-11 10:00:36
就一粒。。。。。。。。。 h4v6sY
bee_kid 发表于 2013-7-11 09:46:42
回楼主; 请问是只有一粒还是在鼻头咀边都有? h4v6sY