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I Mounting and Dismounting 上马和下马~ MOUNTING Before mounting, check that the girth is sufficiently tight to prevent the saddle from slipping, that the stirrup-irons are down , that the stirrup-leathers are approximately the correct length; and that the saddle flaps are lying smoothly.
~在你上马之前呢,请你呢充分的检查一下肚带哦~为了防止它滑动(就是大家经常说的转鞍子,后果非常非常的 糟糕- - -)确保马镫放下来了,镫带长度差不多刚刚好(等下会讲到如何调整蹬带~先不要着急~);鞍翼平整的放在马鞍的两侧。 To mount from the left side of the horse, stand with your left shoulder to the horse’s left shoulder. Take the reins and the whip into the left hand, with the reins properly separated for riding and of suitable length to prevent the horse from moving. Keep the right rein slightly shorter than the left rein. 上马的时候呢要从马的左边上,站在那里,你的左边肩膀对着马的左边肩膀。把缰绳和马鞭放在左手,缰绳呢要稍微的分开并且长度要适当,以便防止马匹就那么溜了- -呵呵(不听话会酿成惨剧啊- - 经历过啊- - 不堪回首- -)。让右边缰绳稍稍比左边缰绳短一下(说明一下哈,我一直学的是内侧缰绳略短于右边缰绳,可能老外习惯转圈追着上马?~ 有高手在的话可以帮忙解释一下,谢谢了~)
Place your left hand in front of the withers, with your right hand, turn the stirrup clockwise. Then put your left foot in the stirrup-iron. Press your toe down so that it comes under the girth and does not dig into the horse’s side. Pivot your body round to face the horse. Place your right hand either on the far side of the saddle at the waist or on the front arch, and spring lightly up, straightening both knees. Swing your right leg over-taking care that it does not brush the horse’s quarters-and at the same time position your right hand on the front arch of the saddle. Let your seat sink gently, without a bump, into the lowest part of the saddle. Put your right foot quietly in the stirrup and take the reins into both hands. It is correct and useful to be able to mount and dismount from either side. Once you are mounted, it is sensible to recheck the girth after walking a short distance, as it may be necessary to tighten it.
把你的左手放在耆甲(颈部与背部接触隆起部位)前部,用你的右手顺时针转动镫带(因为在你上马之后你的脚会逆时针旋转),把你的左脚放进马镫里,向下压你的脚趾使其低于肚带,但是不要把脚尖刺向马的侧腹部(这么做相当于你没上车就开始踩油门儿了- -)。把身体转向马匹,把右手放在马鞍的后腰部或是马鞍的前拱部,然后轻轻的向上跳,顺势伸直你的膝盖,向上摆动你的右腿越过马匹后部注意不要碰到马匹,同时右手放在马鞍的前拱部。轻轻的坐下,不要突然一屁股坐在马鞍上(不要吓坏你的马- -),要坐在马鞍的最深处,悄悄的把你的右脚放进马镫里(你可以脚尖向内扣,用脚尖轻轻的寻找马镫,不要用力碰到马腹部,现在踩油门还有那么一点早- -),双手握缰绳。能够从左右两侧上马是正确的和可行的(西部骑法要求骑手掌握两种上马方法)。一旦你上马了,在漫步一段时间之后检查肚带是很明智的,因为你可能需要收紧肚带。
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