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马镫 The Correct Length of Stirrup 马镫的正确长度 Before mounting, you can adjust your stirrup to approximately the correct length. Stand facing the saddle. Put the knuckles of your right hand on the stirrup-bar of the saddle and adjust the leathers so that the stirrup-iron reaches into your armpit. Then stand in front of the horse to check that the stirrups are level. 在上马之前,你可以调整马镫到大致正确的长度,面对着马匹站好,把你的右手指关节放在连接镫带的横杆处调整镫带长度到马镫可以正好放在你的腋下。然后站在马的前面,看看两侧的马镫是否水平。 Once you are mounted and sitting centrally, allow your legs to hang down in a very relaxed way. You may then adjust the leathers so that the bars of the irons are on, or slightly above, the ankle bone. 在你上马并坐在马鞍最深处后,让你的双脚以一种非常放松的方式下垂在马鞍两侧,你可以调整镫带使马镫的底部刚好到脚踝骨处或稍高于脚踝骨。 If your leathers are too long, you will lose your balance and therefore your security. You may fall behind the movement in rising trot, lose your stirrups, or grip upwards, your heel coming above your toe. 如果你的镫带过长,你将会失去平衡,当你起坐时你可能会落后半拍,导致脱镫,或是向上抱住马匹,导致你的脚跟高于脚趾。 If your leathers are too short, you will appear to be sitting either on top of the saddle rather than into it, or too far back. With a short stirrup you are less likely to be pulled forward or to lose your balance, as you will have the length of your thigh in front of you, but you will also have less use of your lower leg. 如果你的镫带太短,将会出现无法坐在马鞍的最深处而是坐的太靠前,或太靠后的现象。镫带太短将导致你的身体不能轻易的随着马匹向前运动,或是将导致你失去平衡,因为你的大腿会在你的身体前面形成一段距离,但是也会导致你很少使用你的小腿肌肉。 As your training advances, you will find it easier and more effective to ride with slightly longer leathers. The length will vary according to the standard of the rider and the type of work being carried out. 随着你训练的进展,你将会发现使用稍长的马镫长度对于骑乘来说更加容易和有效,镫带的长度会根据各种不同的骑乘方式和骑手的标准进行调整。 You should seek the advice of an instructor as to the length at which you should currently be riding. 你应该征求教练的意见,根据你目前的骑乘水平去调整镫带的长度。 Altering the Length of the Stirrup when Mounted 在马上调整镫带的长度 To alter the left stirrup, first take the reins in your right hand. With your left hand take hold of the spare end of the leather. Then , with your thumb on top of the buckle, steer the tongue of the buckle with the first finger, the other three fingers continuing to hold the spare end of the leather. Disengage the tongue and guide it into the required hole. Move the buckle up close to the bar of the saddle by pulling down on the inside of the leather, then replace the end. 想要调整左边镫带的长度,首先左手持缰。用左手握住镫带余出的一端,大拇指抵住金属皮带扣,用食指控制金属扣舌,其他三个手指仍旧握住皮带。用食指引导金属扣舌进入适当的皮带孔。拉动内侧的马镫皮带,使金属扣接近镫带与马鞍的连接杆处,然后把皮带尾部放回原处。 You should never remove your foot from the stirrup. 你最好不要把脚从马镫中拿出(特别是你还没掌握脱镫跑步的时候,马跑起来再去找脚蹬可要花一番功夫了~)。 You should get into the habit of changing the length of your stirrup by feel, without looking down. 你应该养成不需要低头看而靠感觉去调整马镫的习惯(目光的改变随之改变的是你的重心,同时也是你传递给马匹的信号,骑马归根结底是靠感觉,扯远了,不过那些大师级的骑手所凭借的就是对马术的热爱和得天独厚的敏锐感觉)。
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