Collecting Ring: The place where the rider equipment and horse tack being checked by steward. 检录区:骑手以及马匹装备在此接受赛事监管的检查。
Top garment: As far as I know, garment is an article of clothing. But I really don’t know what the meaning when being using as an equine glossary. Would you please send me the whole paragraph? So I can get you the exact translation. Thanks. Vaulting: Equestrian sport involving gymnastic exercises done on the back of a moving horse. 马上体操:一种在运动中的马背上进行的体操 Vaulting back pads: It should be 马上体操用的马背垫。 Would you please send me the whole paragraph? So I can get you the exact translation. Thanks. Longe or Lunge: The act of training a horse by working it in the various paces on a circle using a long longe or lunge rein. This rein is attached to the cavesson. Also novice riders may have their first lessons on the lunge as they learn the basics of position, without having to concern themselves with the control of the horse. 打圈,使用调教缰让马匹在一个圈乘上进行不同步伐的训练。调教缰一头系在调教笼头上。 另外,刚刚学习骑马的骑手的第一堂课也往往是打圈,这样不需要过多地考虑马匹的控制,而只是学习基本的坐姿。
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