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马驹新生:你必须知道的七件事 - 为“运动潜力”打下坚实的基础
一. 生产期间检查马驹和母马
Check the Foal and Mare at Birth
You should be present at the birth, make sure that the membranes (afterbirth) are free from the foal’s nose once the foal is born and on the ground. Avoid too much intervention - allow the mare to remain down and resting. Up to one third of the foal’s blood volume is pumped from the placenta within a couple of minutes after foaling. Leave the umbilical cord intact, do NOT cut it. The foal will normally break the cord itself as it moves or when the mare stands up.
Birth Time Check List:
1. Check the mare for foaling tearing, bruising or injury - seek advice from your vet if necessary.
2. Check that the cord breaks and the foal is vigorous.
3. Check the mare’s membranes. They should come away (expelled) within 1-2 hours. Check that the full placenta or membranes (afterbirth) are present by spreading them out. If in doubt seek advice from your vet.
2. 检查脐带是否已经断开,马驹是否有活力
Note: If the membranes are retained (kept inside the mare) for more than 4 hours seek advice from your vet. An injection of oxytocin hormone may be necessary to release the membranes attached in the womb. If the membranes are not expelled within 6-8 hours, a vet must come and remove them. Membranes retained for more than 8 hours are difficult to remove and may develop infection, resulting in severe toxicity, with risk of laminitis (founder). This is a common cause of mares dying after birth.
二. 确保马驹能站起来,检查是否存在反常情况
Make sure the foal can stand, check for any abnormalities.
Birthweight is a critical measure of chances of survival as well as the foundation for future growth and development of the new born foal. Foals weighing less than 35 kg at birth have little chance of growing and achieving adequate early growth targets for an athletic future.
Handy Hint : Attend to the Cord
The umbilical stump should be sprayed with 10% iodine solution spray to help dry it up and reduce the risk of infection. If the stump is soft and leaking fluid (urine), seek advice from your vet.
三. 初乳的重要性
The Importance of Colostrum
It is important the newly born foal receives colostrum milk as soon as possible after birth to provide energy, protein and water, as well as essential antibody protection against disease. Colostrum (first milk) provides immunoglobulins or antibodies that are concentrated into a mare’s milk during the 10-14 days prior to foaling.
Low levels of antibodies are present in the foal’s blood at birth and intake of colostrum is essential to provide immunity against common diseases during the first few weeks of life.
Failure to either obtain, or to absorb, adequate levels of antibodies from colostrum within 16 hours after birth will predispose a young foal to a higher risk of bacterial infection.
A foal that does not receive adequate colostrum or antibody cover during its first day is more likely to succumb to infectious disease. Many of these foals develop severe diarrhea or are retarded in their growth and development.
It is most important that all newborn foals receive adequate colostrum within 8-12 hours after birth. A healthy, active newborn foal weighing 50-55kg at birth, will suckle from 2-3 litres of colostrum during the first 12 hours of its life.
Handy Hint
Most new born foals stand and drink within 30 mins to 3 hours after being born. A new born foal is abnormal if it does not stand within 60 minutes of birth, fails to seek security and comfort from its mother within 2 hours of birth, or has not attempted to suckle within 3 hours of birth.
Colostrum contains three types of protein immunoglobulins:
· IgG for immunity against bacterial and infective diseases.
· IgM for general immunity and health
· IgA which increases in milk after foaling and remains for up to 3 weeks, is not absorbed into the body and provides local gut protection against bacteria and other germs that commonly cause diarrhoea in a young foal.
· IgG:帮助免疫系统抵御细菌和感染性疾病
· IgM:有助于免疫力和健康
· IgA:在产驹后的三周内,母乳中IgA含量增高。IgA不被身体吸收,不能为肠胃提供保护以抵御细菌和别的能导致马驹腹泻的微生物。
四. 初乳的分泌
Secretion of Colostrum
Expert management and care of a new born foal is essential to ensure that it receives adequate immunity via colostrum milk. A mare only produces colostrum for the first 2-3 days of lactation, and the level of antibodies is highest during the first 6-12 hours. Surveys have shown that up to 23% of foals tested within the first few weeks of life, have low blood levels of antibodies in their blood.
A less than optimum uptake of antibodies from colostrum can result from low levels in the mare’s milk, or failure of the foal to suckle or to absorb sufficient amounts of colostrum within the first 12-16 hours after birth. After 24 hours the unique proteins that form the immune antibodies can no longer be absorbed, but local immunity is provided by the milk by IgA for up to 3 weeks.
从初乳中吸收的抗体含量为能达到最近水平,其原因可能是母乳中的抗体含量低,或马驹不能成功的吃奶,或在出生后12-16小时内不能摄取足够含量的初乳。出生24小时后,能塑造免疫性抗体的独一无二的蛋白质则将再也无法被摄取;此外, 有益于马驹免疫系统的母乳中的IgA则只存在于马驹出生后的3周内。
Up to 12.4% of mares prelactate, or ‘run their milk’, seen as thick milk dripping from the teats and splashing down the mare’s legs, before foaling. If a mare loses milk for more than 3 days before foaling, she will significantly deplete her colostrum levels of essential IgG and IgM, for systemic immunity, but usually adequate IgA reserves will remain to provide gut immunity for 2-3 weeks. There is no way to prevent prelactation in a mare near to foaling.
During the first week of life, a foal suckles up to 105 times each day, and stays within 1 metre of its mother for about 85% of the time, and rarely moves more than 5 metres away. The frequent intake of colostrum and milk containing IgA antibodies bathes the gut lining with protective antibodies. Frequent nursing also stimulates the mare to start to produce more milk to feed her foal, with daily volumes of 15-17 litres being produced by the peak of lactation 4-10 weeks after foaling.
First time mothers mares may be confused and upset by the foals initial attempts to nurse and deprive their foals of essential colostrum. Foals that are poor suckers, weak or become separated from their mothers at birth may also not be able to suckle an adequate volume of colostrum. If you are unsure as to whether a foal has suckled sufficient colostrum, consult your vet for advice.
五. 初乳的吸收
Absorption of Colostrum
A foal that is born prematurely and survives should be able to absorb antibodies because the special gut cells are formed early in foetal development. Although a foal’s immune system can produce antibodies from 2-3 weeks of age, optimum response is not developed until 10-12 weeks of age. Therefore, the colostrum absorbed during the first 12-16 hours after birth must provide a temporary cover against common diseases.
The low point of immune protection in a foal’s blood, especially a foal that did not receive adequate colostrum, occurs at about 5-6 weeks of age. A newly foaled mare produces colostrum for only 2-3 days, but the level of antibodies rapidly falls after 12-14 hours, once her foal has suckled and depleted the initial colostrum reserve.
Handy Hint
Ideally, a pregnant mare needs to be exposed to the environmental contamination and profile of microorganisms, such as bacteria that cause scours, joint-ill and septicaemia, for at least 2 weeks prior to foaling. In other words, do not move her to a new farm in the 2 to 3 weeks before she foals.
In fact, studies have shown that up to 4 weeks exposure to germs in the paddock or foaling environment, is needed to provide adequate
levels of environment specific antibodies as immunoglobulins in her colostrum milk.
六. 检查母马的乳房
Check the Mares Teats
Flat shiny teats indicate that a foal is drinking or the mare has little
milk. Enlarged, dirty teats suggest that a foal has not been drinking regularly. Occasionally a new mother mare will not be used to her foal suckling and not allow it to drink. A foal may not be able to drink because it is sick, or the mare may have developed a painful infection in her udder (mastitis).
Consult your vet for advice. After the first week of life, a foal drinks 2-3 times per hour, or up to 60-65 times daily. The peak of lactation in a mare occurs at about 4-10 weeks after foaling. A well fed mare will provide enough milk for her foal to obtain most of the nutrients from milk, as well as some grazing and nibbling at its mother’s feed to meet its needs as it doubles its birthweight in the first month after foaling.
A foal's future health is often influenced by the care and attention it receives in the first days of its life, making this a crucial time for the foal. If your mare is foaling for the first time it is important to make sure that you are well prepared to care for the new arrival, and have ready access to veterinary care, should it be necessary.
七. 新生马驹的营养
Young Horse Nutrition
A foal attains nearly 80% of its mature height and 50% of its mature weight in the first 6 months of life. During this time of extreme rapid growth the foal is building muscle and bone. As the young horse grows, minerals deposited in cartilage cause the bone to harden.
Proper nutrition is critical for your foal to fulfill its genetic potential. A lack or imbalance of minerals can lead to improper development of the bones, which can cause developmental abnormalities of the skeletal structures. The foal needs sufficient energy, protein, minerals and vitamins to develop normally.
Good nutrition, good management and proper health care will get your young horse off to a great start and form a solid foundation to carry it into maturity.
作者:凯瑟琳 · 戴维斯