
水中月 发表于 2016-6-21 22:55:56 [显示全部楼层] 回帖奖励 倒序浏览 阅读模式 1 1691


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Strongylus species.Large Strongyles

Strongylus vulgaris is by far the most deadly of the equine worms — by obstructing the arteries supplying blood to the gut, migrating larval stages of this worm are a major cause of colic. The life cycles of Strongylus spp. are similar to those of the cyathostomes except that the larvae of these worms migrate in the horse’s body for some 6 months before maturing to adults. With S. vulgaris, larvae prefer to migrate within the arteries supplying blood to the gut before returning to the gut to become egg-laying adults about 6 months after the infective larvae were ingested from pasture.

Until more is known about the life cycle of S. vulgaris in your region of China, year-round treatment for this parasite is probably required. Given the long time required for this worm to mature in horses (6-months) and the high efficiency of ivermectin and moxidectin for this parasite, treatment at a minimum of 6 month intervals with these wormers would theoretically prevent the shedding of eggs and greatly suppress transmission. In cold climates, aggressive treatment Spring and Summer will stop transmission of this parasite.

Since the discovery and use of the amazing drug called ivermectin, this worm has become much less common. Also, resistance to our antiparasitic drugs has not been a problem with this worm. As a result, what was once a common and deadly parasite of horses has now become a rarity on most horse properties in the West. Not enough is known about this worm in horse properties in China so it may be causing colic and death at your equestrian centre.

Ascarids (“Large Roundworms”)

I was invited to an equestrian centre in western China recently to discuss their plans for further equine developments. The morning I arrived I discovered the staff leading a mare and her foal around the arena with the foal clearly in distress. Unknown to me, this foal had been suffering pain for some days from colic. Within a few hours the foal rapidly became very much worse, was throwing itself on the ground and in agonizing pain. I diagnosed a twisted intestine and as no surgical facility was available the foal died a terrible, painful and un necessary death. The cause? Roundworms!! These horrible parasites had completely filled the foals stomach and small intestine and caused a secondary twisted intestine. I have never seen a case like this in my veterinary practice, it never happens if you have good stable hygiene, effective worm medications and give them according to a well designed de-worming programme.
最近我受到一个位于中国南方的马术俱乐部的邀请,探讨他们马术发展的计划。在我到达的那个早上,我看到员工牵着一匹母马和她的马驹在训练场走动,马驹明显很痛苦。当时我并不知道,马驹已经连续几天腹痛了。几小时后,马驹的情况迅速恶化,不断的跌倒,处于剧烈的疼痛中。我诊断出马驹是肠扭转,由于没有手术设备,马驹痛苦的死去了,然而这种死亡原本是可以避免的。 诱因?蛔虫!!!马驹的胃里和小肠里填满了这种可怕的寄生虫,引发了肠扭转。在我的兽医生涯,我还从来没见过因此而导致死亡的病例。如果你有好的马房卫生管理,有效的驱虫药,以及良好的驱虫计划,这种情况永远不会发生的。

Parascaris equorum, the large roundworm of horses, as I have seen, is deadly to foals in their first year of life. After that time, sufficient immunity develops to provide strong protection. Transmission is direct and non- seasonal—infected horses contaminate their environment by shedding large numbers of ascarid eggs, which are subsequently eaten by other horses. Because ascarids shed a very tough egg that can survive in the environment for several years, and only hatches after being swallowed by a horse, transmission of that worm is not affected by climate. On most breeding farms, the majority of eggs ingested by this year’s foals were passed by foals on the same farm during the preceding year. Since this parasite requires 11-15 weeks to mature in foals, worming foals at 2-month intervals throughout their first year of life should provide adequate control and prevent a build-up of eggs in the environment that would infect the next year's foal crop. The BZDs, pyrantel, ivermectin and moxidectin all are effective, and drug resistance has not been a problem with this worm. However, in China, we are unsure if the de-worming drugs are as effective as those we use in New Zealand and elsewhere.


Bots are flying insects somewhat related to houseflies. However, their larval (maggot) stages live in the stomachs of horses. Before the appearance of ivermectin, bots were very common on horses. However, they often were overrated in their ability to cause disease. Nevertheless large numbers of bot larvae in a horse's stomach can lead to ill thrift and, on rare occasion, death.

The bot life cycle begins when the adult bot fly deposits eggs on the horse’s coat, usually on the forelimbs, in the mane or over the neck. Many horses find the bot fly extremely irritating and will kick and run when the fly ties to deposit eggs. One of my horses, Michelangelo, has a very sensitive skin and will spend hours trotting 20 metre circles in the paddock trying to stay away from a bot fly. Horses become infected by licking the eggs. After a brief period of migration in the gums between the horse’s teeth, immature bots live in the stomach for several months. Eventually they pass out with the manure, whereupon the bot burrows into the soil and pupates. The adult botfly emerges from the pupa several months later.
蝇蛆的生命周期开始于成年蝇蛆在马的毛发中产卵,通常是在前肢,鬃毛里或者沿着脖子的毛发中。许多马因蝇蛆而生气暴躁,当蝇蛆尝试在它们身上产卵时,会又踢又跑。我的一匹马,Michelangelo, 皮肤非常敏感,受到蝇蛆困扰的它会在直径20m的小圆形围场里走几个小时,尝试远离蝇蛆。马会因为舔到虫卵而受感染。在经过一段时间后未成年的幼虫从牙齿迁移到胃部,经历几个月后进入成熟期。最终它们随着粪便排除,随后蝇蛆钻入土地或草地中。几个月后,成年蝇蛆破茧而出。

Adult botflies are highly seasonal in their activities. Adult botflies are most abundant, and most egg laying occurs, in late Spring and Summer. Activity ceases entirely after the first hard freeze of the autumn.

The most important time to treat for bots is in January, after the first freeze of the winter has greatly reduced bot activity. A second treatment is probably needed after the Spring peak in egg laying is past. A supplemental treatment in November may be needed in especially bad years or on farms with heavy bot activity. In warmer wet climates treatments may need to be continued through the winter. In colder climates, treatments are given in summer and early autumn based on the amount of local botfly activity, with a final clean-out treatment given after the first hard freeze of late Autumn. Ivermectin and moxidectin are the preferred treatments. As I would prefer not to use drugs, daily grooming with a bot knife will remove many eggs before they hatch, but be careful, hatched bot larvae have been known to infect the eye of humans!
针对蝇蛆的最重要的治疗是在一月——第一次冬季寒潮出现的时候,蝇蛆的活动被有效的限制了。在春季产卵高峰期后,需要第二次治疗。特别是在糟糕的年份或者在蝇蛆特别严重的马场,在11月进行营养补充剂治疗也是有必要的。在气候温暖湿润的地方,冬季或许也需要实施治疗方案。在气候寒冷的地方,治疗方案可在夏季或者秋初实施,这主要取决于当地蝇蛆的活动情况,在秋末的第一次冻结期来的时候,可以给马做最终的清理治疗。我一般不倾向于用药物,每天用驱蝇蛆梳(bot knife)给马梳毛能在虫卵孵化前清理掉许多虫卵,需要小心的是,孵化的虫卵会感染人类的眼睛。

Wash your hands with warm, soapy water, and be sure not to touch your face, after handling horses that are contaminated with bot eggs.

Miscellaneous Parasites

Tapeworms are common in horses, and owners frequently complain of seeing tapeworm segments in manure. For the most part these worms are harmless although heavy infestations may cause colic. Infection is acquired when horses accidentally swallow a small mite while grazing. These mites, which feed on decaying organic matter in the environment, become infected by eating tapeworm eggs shed in the manure of infected horses. Treatment is best done with an ivermectin-praziquantel or moxidectin-praziquantel mixture. Alternatively, a double or triple dose of pyrantel in its single dose formulations or daily treatment with the continuously fed form of that same drug (Strongid-C?) may work. Little is known about seasonality of tapeworm transmission or the effects of climate on this parasite (although tapeworm infections seem to be most abundant in the Autumn), and drug resistance does not seem to be a problem.

Pinworms are nuisance parasites whose ill effects are generally limited to itching and hair loss around the rump and tail head. If your horse is a show horse and you like his tail to look glamorous then keep him free of pinworms as rubbing his tail on the stable will ruin a beautiful tail in a matter of days. Infection is more common and severe in stabled horses than horses at pasture because eggs survive longer out of direct sunlight. Adult pinworms live in the lower bowel of horses. At night female pinworms stick their heads out of the anus of infected horses and glue their eggs to the skin. The glue is irritating, which causes the bottom of affected horses to itch. Horses are infected by swallowing pinworm eggs, which are lightweight and often will float briefly in the air, contaminating every surface of a stable. Pinworms are easily killed with most equine wormers and usually are controlled as a side effect of programs designed to control cyathostomes. If necessary, pinworms usually can be eliminated from stables by aggressive sanitation and two anthelmintic treatments 1 month apart. Benzimidazoles, pyrantel, ivermectin and moxidectin all are effective.
蛲虫是一种很麻烦的寄生虫,它们的导致的常见病症是瘙痒和臀部和尾梢的毛发脱落。如果你的马是参加选美的马(show horse),你当然会希望它的毛发光泽亮丽,因此我们最好让马远离蛲虫——如果它不断在马厩中蹭,日积月累会毁掉它的漂亮尾巴的。在马厩中的马相比牧场放养的马来说,更容易感染蛲虫,也更严重,因为虫卵在避光处存活的更久。成虫寄生在马的肠下段。在夜晚,雌性蛲虫蠕出马的肛门在皮肤上产卵。黏液具有刺激性,引起马屁股瘙痒。蛲虫卵很轻,能在空气中飞扬,附在马厩的表面,马吸入蛲虫卵而受到感染。大多数马的驱虫药都能去除蛲虫,通常能随着盅口线虫的驱虫计划附带着一起被去除。如果有必要,蛲虫通常能随着积极的卫生环境和每隔一个月用一次驱虫药被清除,苯并咪唑,噻吩嘧啶(抗虫灵),伊维菌素,莫西菌素都很有效。

Threadworms commonly infect young foals mainly via the mother’s milk. This parasite appears to be relatively harmless, although large numbers of eggs may be shed in a foal‘s manure. Eggs shed in the manure of foals develop into infective larvae on grass. Immunity quickly develops, and adult worms do not develop in horses more than several months old. Instead, any larvae acquired from pasture migrate to the udder and wait for a new foal to begin nursing. If desired, treatment of the mare with ivermectin on the day of foaling is very effective in preventing transmission of threadworms to the foal.

Many other kinds of worms infect horses, and time does not permit me to cover them all. However, if you make an effort to control those worms listed above, you will have controlled 99% of the parasite problems in your horses.



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