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International Charity Relies on Horse-Human Bond

The RDA (Riding for the Disabled Association) is an international organization of volunteers and horses and uses equine riding therapy to help disabled children.  RDA volunteers observe unusual interactions between horses and their disabled riders. “We get some children, with conditions like autism, who find it very difficult to communicate through speech, but who find that contact with the horses gives them confidence,”  the children begin to engage and talk when around horses.

A British RDA centre ran a three-year study with children from the local school. They took misbehaving kids who needed help, children who would have been expelled. They matched the naughty kids with some naughty ponies ( well, ponies with a sense of humour !) and the children changed immediately; they were behaving exactly how they had to in order to get the horses to behave. The children stopped being naughty and so did the ponies!
英国的一个RDA中心开展了一项针对当地学校儿童的为期三年的研究。他们选择行为不当,甚至会被开除的需要帮助的孩子,让他们和调皮的Pony马配对(换个角度看,有幽默感的Pony马!), 那些孩子立刻发生了改变;为了让马行为得体,孩子们不得不做出表率。孩子和马都停止了调皮的行为!

The human-horse bond is celebrated on the silver screen and Michael Morpurgo, the author of “War Horse” received international movie success when his book was discovered by Steven Speilberg.  The author also runs the charity “Farms for City Children”, and has a story about Billy, “a withdrawn child with a serious speech impediment, a stammer” who “had hardly spoken a word in two years”. He overheard Billy, who thought he was alone, talking quickly and fluently at night to a horse, Hebe.

“The words flowed freely from him. There was no stutter. And Hebe stood there quietly taking it all in.”

Researchers have noticed it, too: studies in the journal Anthrozo?s found that interaction with animals, including horses, led to improvement in behavioural problems, some medical conditions, depression and, in particular, autistic symptoms. The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders suggests the “simple, repetitive non-verbal actions” of animals are more comprehensible and reassuring for autistic people who find the nuance of human emotion, interaction and speech difficult. But it’s not just how the riders interact with the horses. RDA volunteers have observed over 40 years of working with ponies and disabled riders that their ponies react differently to disabled riders than to able-bodied ones.
研究者也注意到了这个现象。期刊《Anthrozo?s》的研究发现,和包括马在内的动物互动,能改善不当行为,疾病,抑郁,尤其是自闭症的问题。《自闭症和发育障碍》杂志指出,对自闭症患者而言,应对人类微妙的情绪、互动、对话很困难,相较之下,与 动物的“简单、重复的非语言的行为”更易懂,且更令人安心宽慰。四十多年来,RDA自愿者通过观察Pony马和残障骑手,发现Pony马对残障骑手和健全人会有不同的反应。

The companionship of a pet can provide relief to those who are depressed or suffering from other emotional issues, including returning war veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. These people can get very attached to dogs and do things they couldn’t do before. People are passionate about their companion animals: in the USA 70 percent of pet owners say they sometimes sleep with their small domestic pets; 65 percent buy Christmas gifts for their pets; 23 percent cook special meals for their pets; and 40 percent of married women with pets say they get more emotional support from their pets than from their husbands.

Attitudes Are Changing  

Unfortunately, sensitivity to the human - horse bond isn’t always taught in veterinary schools, nor is it taught to participants in many equestrian centres I have visited in China. I often see the ego of the owner in pursuit of “prestige” driving the business operation rather than a more enlightened attitude which addresses everyones benefit, including the horses. The most successful equestrian centres have both a strong business ethic with an overarching policy where through understanding the human-horse bond, the welfare of the horses comes first.

The most rewarding moments I have enjoyed in China are when I meet a rider, a stable worker, a veterinary student, a fellow professor or horse owner who truly loves what she is doing and we share our thoughts about the emotional benefit we enjoy while working with these noble animals. It is a language that genuine “horse people” share that does not require words.

How Much Is the Human Horse Bond Worth?

I am sad to observe in some places there still exists the attitude, ‘It’s just a horse, don’t worry about it; if it dies, you can always get a new one.’” In years past, some veterinarians regarded the strong ties between clients and their horses and other pets as something abnormal, and they didn’t want to acknowledge it. It was the old “monetary-farming” attitude insisting it was not acceptable to spend money on an animal that was not going to make money. This attitude is becoming rarer and, because of the change in attitude, veterinarians can afford to purchase equipment and training and offer clients medical technology equivalent to that physicians offer human patients. There is also enough research in the literature to show that people go through the same emotional processes when their horse gets very ill as when a member of their human family is sick!

Attitudes are changing. High-profile studies can help, one example being the collaboration between the American National Institutes of Health and The Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition. Together, they are encouraging research on human-animal interaction as it relates to child development, health and the therapeutic use of animals with children and adolescents. The more successful equine professionals, equestrian centres, trainers and veterinarians are those who recognize the importance of human-animal interaction. The way these people treat the rider and her horse makes a difference. It is in everybodies best interest to take complaints about behavior seriously and help the rider figure out how to fix problems and improve the horses behaviour. And, just as the example of Clever Hans and the RDA’s “naughty ponies” it is often a change in human behavior that elicits a response in the horse.
观念正在改变。高质量的研究能提供帮助。举例来说,美国国家健康研究所同宠物营养福利中心合作,支持有关动物和人互动的研究,因为这关系到儿童的发育、健康,在针对儿童和问题青少年治疗中运用动物。最成功的马业专家、马术中心、教练,都有一个共同点,他们认识到了人与动物互动的重要性。他们的与众不同在于其对待骑手与马的方式:严肃的对待有关行为问题的投诉,帮助骑手找到解决问题的方法,促进马的行为,这样才对大家都好。同时,正如数学天才Clever Hans,以及RDA的“调皮的Pony”的例子中展示的,往往是人类行为的改变,引发马的回应。

Validates what veterinarians do  

Acknowledgement of the importance of the human-animal bond tends to help clients understand how complex the job is that veterinarians do. In the past, Chinese veterinary medicine was not well-developed and local vets took care of the villages cows and pigs. Horses were and still are in many rural regions -a tough little beast to pull a cart.

In contrast, horses in the modern equestrian barn are considered a luxury. Today, more people accept that a life with horses and the positive interactions between horses and people, make us healthier as a community and as a nation. Well-trained specialist equne veterinarians are an important part of the community. In China this part of the equine community is often missing. At the same time, MRIs, scoping and colic surgery are treatments that are often not available in China and, if they are, are expensive.

Economics and under developed veterinary services can break the human-horse bond. That’s why it is so important for Chinese veterinarians keep improving their skills, products and facilities and seeking international collaboration with equine practitioners. In time, as the veterinary medical community develops we will balance the need for compassionate and high-quality care, with the economic constraints that our clients face.

Veterinarians can also play a role in educating clients on how to sustain a strong bond with their horses. That might call for some straight talking. “In First World countries, we are loving our animals to death,” veterinary researchers have found. Dog, cat and horse obesity can lead to metabolic disorders and cardiac disease, orthopedic disease and other life-threatening or life-limiting conditions.  In emerging countries such as China I have found it is often the wrong kinds of food are fed to horses leading to metabolic disorders, colic, starvation and death. Equestrian centres are smart to seek advice from independent equine nutritionists, not the man who comes around selling horse feed!

The four most important components of a strong human/animal bond?

1. The horse must be easy to handle and ride. Behavior problems such as aggression, bucking, kicking or biting the owner – can erode the human-animal bond.

2. It is important to match the type of horse (breed, gender) with the personality, age and lifestyle of the owner. Little girls should not ride stallions.

3. Behavior should be shaped by positive reinforcement and excellent daily training.

4. The equestrian centre owner and rider must work together making important, informed decisions about the health and welfare of their horses, especially feeding, training and where the horse will live (stall or turnout)

The greatest difficulties in bringing about – and then sustaining – a strong human-animal bond?

Failure to recognize that owning a horse is not for everyone, even if you can afford 10 horses if you do not have time to enjoy them why bother?!.

Failure to recognize that the horses breed and gender can make a difference in human and horse welfare. Stallion ownership comes with a lot more problems than owning a nice, easy -going gelding.

Failure to address problem behaviors as soon as they arise…. If you let a horse nibble on your shirt do not be surprised if one day he bites the face off your child. Every moment you spend with a horse either you are training him, or he is training you.

Failure to think about the long-term health and well-being of your horse. Where will he live when he is 20 years old and too old to ride or compete?


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