1. 请您保持衣着整洁,不要穿拖鞋、背心等入场。
Please dress neatly. Please do not wear slippers or vests.
2. 赛事进行期间请您不要高声说话、吸烟;观赛时,应将手机关机或设置在振动、静音状态。
During the competition, please respect the riders and horses by keeping noise to a minimum.
Mobile phones should be set to vibrate or mute.
Applause is welcome once the rider has completed his round but please do not scream or clap in order to avoid scaring horses whilst the rider is jumping.
In the venue, please do not carry any banners or open umbrellas except in poor weather. No flash photography, please.
Please do not throw any objects into the arena to avoid injuring the horse, the rider, or making the horse frightened.
Please do not approach any horse from the rear, or you will be at risk of being kicked. If with the permission of the horse owner you have the opportunity to make contact with their horse, make sure you move slowly and keep quiet.
Please take care of your children, and do not allow them to run near the arena.