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伸出舌头,玩舌头(Tongue Lolling

This is another oral stereotypical behavior that is seen in horses who are not coping with their living conditions and general environment. This one can occur when the horse is ridden as well as when he is in his stable. In contrast to the other oral behaviors it does not cause harm to the horses teeth or digestive system. It is considered a very bad habit in most showing or competition situations and in dressage is a problem indicative of tension in the horses body and unhappiness. As for the previous vices, the treatment is to give the horse more time on pasture, equine companionship and greater amounts of fibre in his diet may help too. Often people use tongue ties, or very tight nosebands forcing the horses mouth closed, this is obviously not a cure.

这是另外一种口部刻板行为,通常出现在那些不能适应生活环境的马身上。该行为不论是在被骑乘过程中,还是马呆在马厩时,都可能出现。与别的口部刻板行为相比,伸出舌头并不会损坏马的牙齿和消化系统,但是在选美(showing)和一些比赛中,被视为不良习惯;在盛装舞步中,这是个问题,被视为是马的身体紧绷、不开心。针对我们前面讨论过的那些恶习, 治疗方案是让马在放牧场的时间更长,有同伴马陪伴它们,在它们的日粮中增加更多的粗纤维或许也会有所帮助。针对马伸出舌头,玩舌头(Tongue Lolling)的情况,通常人们会绑舌头的绳子,或非常紧的鼻羁(nosebands)强迫马闭紧嘴巴,而这显然无法治愈马。

Locomotory Stereotypical Behaviours:Weaving


A horse that weaves stands with its head over a stable door and constantly moves from side to side. This stable vice is caused by the stress of confinement in a stall. Horses in the wild run and graze for a good part of their day. Weaving is a “Displacement Behavior” for the movement used while grazing. It also satisfies a horse's need for images moving across the eye similar to grazing. Research indicates that weaving decreases when stalls have windows because it provides visual contact with other horses. Horses usually stop weaving when turned out in a paddock.


My husbands experience with a weaving horse leads to a rather funny story. He purchased a very famous Premium A stallion named Callaghan in Sweden. Calle was a very well bred horse, an amazing pedigree and my husband was very lucky to get the opportunity to purchase the stallion. He knew Calle had the weaving problem but, the horses bloodline was so good that my husband decided that he could take the chance and manage the problem.

我的丈夫曾有有过一匹有摇动(weaving)行为的马,经历了一番有趣的体验。他购买了瑞典的Premium A(最顶级)种公马,著名的Callaghan。Callaghan是一匹血统非常好的马,能有机会买到它,我的丈夫实在非常幸运。虽然购买前他就知道这匹马有摇动(weaving)的问题,然而,考虑到它的血统实在太好,我丈夫觉得这值得一试,通过管理处理这个问题。

So, he drove to the farm in his rental car (a Volvo) with a small horse trailer and loaded Calle onto the trailer, paid the owner and then had to drive all the way from Sweden to Frankfurt, Germany. A very long drive but, he had to get Calle to Frankfurt quickly to catch the plane with the other 30 young fillies and colts he had purchased. Calle weaved in the horse trailer back and forward for the whole trip which made for a nervous drive as the trailer swayed from side to side, hour after hour, mile after mile. Exhausting and a bit dangerous too!


Anyway, the story ended very well as Calle’s new home was a huge farm, he lived in the paddocks with the mares and never weaved again for his whole life.


Stall Walking 马厩走动

A stall walking horse constantly walks back and forth, or around his stall or paddock. A horse that stall-walks quickly and anxiously is exhibiting a “Flight Response” caused by stress. These horses can be quite dangerous to handle if you do not have experience as they are likely to try and get out of the stall when you go in or, run out the door trampling the handler in the process.


Remedies: Slowing the Locomotion   

补救措施: 减缓运动

Because most locomotor behaviors result from anticipation (of a meal or turnout) and/or a need for more equine companionship, modern remedies focus on eliminating causes, rather than administering corrections. If your horse exhibits one or more of the locomotor behaviors, implement as many of the following management strategies as possible:

因为大部分运动行为(locomotor behaviors)都源自一种期待:期待一顿饭,在放牧场自由奔跑的机会,能与别的马为伴…现代补救疗法的重点不在于“实施矫正”,而在于“消除成因”。假如你的马出现了其中一种或多种运动行为(locomotor behaviors),请尽可能多的实施下列管理方案:

Increase his turnout. Ideally, place him on pasture with other horses. (Note: It doesn't seem to help if a stall-walker is turned out in a paddock that doesn't have grass, where he may switch from stall-walking to fence-walking.)



Hang mirrors on stall walls. Studies have shown that when a horse sees his reflection, he often feels less alone. For safety, mirrors must be either plastic or polished metal, or protected with bars.


Increase his roughage. Provide more hay, pasture or hay cubes, divided into as many feedings as practicable. If your horse must be stalled, divide up his hay rations among several nets around the stall so he has to move from one to the other, thereby prolonging the meal. If you feed hay in outdoor feeders or on the ground (ideally on mats to avoid the ingestion of dirt or sand), divide it into several small piles so your horse must move from one pile to another, as if grazing.


Use straw bedding. Horses stabled on non-straw bedding are more likely to display stereotypic behaviors, possibly because straw can serve as roughage. Eating straw won't make a horse fat, although he may temporarily appear larger because straw can fill up his large intestine. Rarely, a horse may eat so much straw that it causes a blockage in his digestive system, which results in colic, so watch him at first to make sure he's not gorging on it.


Widen his vistas. Open windows or doors on as many sides of your horse's stall as possible, or add more windows. Enabling him to see outside in all directions produces the best results.


Horses are grazing animals and their digestive and nervous systems function best when feeding follows a natural pattern. Prior to domestication, horses spent a large portion of their day foraging for grass, herbs, small twigs and branches, and legumes to graze. Today's horses are confined to a stall or small paddock and/or eat processed feeds. The result in some instances is boredom or frustration with being forced to living an "unnatural" life.

马是食草动物,采用模拟它们自然生存状态的饲养方式,能让它们的消化系统和神经系统功能处于自然运作状态。 当马还没有被人类驯养时,马在一天中有大量时间在grazing——寻觅草,植物,小树枝,枝干,豆科植物。今天的现代马,被限制在马厩和小放牧场中,吃着经过加工的饲料。被迫生活在“不自然的”生活环境,在某些情况下,会导致无聊感和沮丧感。

Providing access to small amounts of hay throughout the day allows horses to satisfy their natural instinct to chew on food all day long. When long-stemmed, chewy hay or grass is not available throughout the day, horses sometimes turn to wood to meet their internal desire to chew.


Turnout, especially turnout with ample grazing, alleviates boredom. Injury and lack of land may prohibit regular turnout. When larger paddocks are not available, provide the horse time out of the stall each day and regular exercise to combat boredom and relieve pent-up frustration.


Pastes and sprays are available and can be applied directly to the surfaces the horse is chewing. Some horses are not deterred by the flavor and regular rains wash the solutions off. Applying hot chili sauce to the horse's favorite chewing spots deters some horses, but it can actually encourage some horses to chew more frequently.


When sprays, pastes, and foul-tasting soap does not deter a wood chewer, wrapping trees with plastic mesh, placing metal caps atop fence posts, and stringing a line of electric fence along the area where the horse chews discourages the most devoted wood chewers. However it will do little to disrupt cribbers or windsuckers.


Nutritional Deficiencies


Wood chewing can be an indication that a horse is lacking certain nutrients in its diet. If you suspect a nutritional deficiency, consult an equine veterinarian or specialist equine nutritionist, preferably one who does not work for a feed company!  Some blood tests can determine which minerals the horse is lacking in its diet, but this is not true for all nutrients and a careful analysis of the horses diet and environment are necessary.


Based on the results of the blood work, nutritional supplements may be needed to ensure the horse is receiving a balanced diet or the addition of forage or altering the environment of the horse may help alleviate the problem.


Stereotypic behaviors have never been observed in horses who live as Mother Nature intended outdoors in a herd, grazing or foraging 40 to 60 percent of the time. What these stereotypical behaviors are, in fact, are more correctly called “coping strategies” . They are a reaction to an environment that is not providing for the horses needs. Observe, analyze and implement a horse friendly and thoughtful management plan for your barn and your reward will be happier horses, happier riders and more success in competition.




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