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杰瑞米•麦克尔斯(Jeremy Michaels)
Jeremy长期担任英国马会BHS训练和马术学科总监以及教育总监一职,现任英国马会BHS考试总考官和西英格兰大学哈特伯瑞学院马术学科讲师 。
• 接近障碍
• 起跳
• 腾空
• 落地
• 离开
The Five Phases of the Jump(2)
When you jump a horse, what do you think about? Your position, the canter, the ground, how scared you are, whether your jacket looks good, and so on? It does not matter if you are either jumping for practice or in a competition, there are certain elements of the ‘jump’ that you must be thinking about.
Depending upon your experience, like any part of riding you may have to consciously think about a particular aspect or it may just come naturally or instinctively. The more experienced and confident you are, the less you have to make an effort to make your body perform a certain task; if you are a learner rider, you do have to really think about everything you do, it is not instinctive.
The phases of the jump can be broken down into five sections:
• The Approach
• The Take off
• The Flight
• The Landing
• The Getaway
The Landing
The horse almost always lands on one front leg after a jump (see Figure 3 below). The forces that must pass through that landing front foot and leg are immense. This is why it is so important that you stay balanced and secure, looking up towards the next jump so that as your horse is landing he is given every opportunity to stay safe and under control in readiness for the next jump or next turn. You must try and keep a contact with your horse’s mouth, keep your lower legs underneath you and start to lightly bring your seat closer to the saddle ( do not sit in the saddle on landing as this will make the horse drop his back and hind legs and hit the poles).
On landing you must be preparing to turn to your next jump if riding a course——looking up and ahead will help you guide your horse without pulling on the reins.
Figure 3: Horse landing after a jump
The Getaway
Be aware of the canter lead you are riding on so that your horse has every chance of staying balanced on turns and circles and between jumps. If you are on the wrong lead either ask for a flying change or come back to trot, quickly and quietly and change lead. The more balanced and controlled you and the horse are between, in front of and after the jumps, the better chance you have of clearing them.
Practice is critical when learning to jump; the work on the flat is probably more important than actually going over the jumps! Practice working in trot and canter in your light seat so that your muscles and balance are very good. It is advisable to practice in a jumping saddle as this will help your position and security. When learning, start training over ground poles and progressively work up to small jumps, grids, combinations and then courses. Learn initially on a horse that is safe and experienced as this will develop your confidence. Do not rush your jumping! Start small and slowly build it up so you do not scare yourself. Most of all, enjoy your jumping——it really is exciting once you have mastered that all important BALANCE and SECURITY.