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We might not be able to help you with your Olympic tests, and to behonest, if you’ve got there you probably don’t need our help anyway.
But if you’re struggling to recall a prelim test without somebody calling,there are some tried and tested tips that might just save you from eliminationnext time out.
Many people learn the test parrot-style and then just repeat it until theyknow it off by heart. If this method works for you, that’s perfect. However,you may find that knowing the movements in your head and remembering to ridethem correctly are two different things. If that’s the case, you’ll need todraw upon a few other weapons in your arsenal.
The first step is to read through your test a few times while visualising it.
If you need to look at a diagram of a dressage arena whilst doing this,that is fine. Picture yourself riding each movement and piece them together as awhole. This will help you get a good feel forthe overall flow of the test.
To take thevisualisation of your test a bit further at this stage, you can also draw or print offa picture of a dressage arena and draw the testwithout looking at the paper if possible. Some people find that using differentcolour pens for each gait helps them to remember exactly where the transitionsare.
Using different colorpens for each gait can remind you where the transitions are.
Use your own words
If this doesn’t sound likeyou, you can also try writing down the test in your own words after reading through it andvisualising it a few times. At school or university, many students find it hardto remember specific and detailed definitions, but find it easy enough torecall and explain a general concept. This is much the same. By simplifying thelanguage the test is written in and making it sound more like normal speech,you’ll find it much easier to recall.
Normally, the tests will follow a logicalpattern wheremost figures are repeated on each side. The movements are designed to be riddenin a certain way, so understanding why you might ride a canter transition in acorner at a basic level, or why you might have a small circle before a legyield will also help you to remember those movements.
To help you get an evenbetter idea of the feel of the test, try looking online for a video of someone riding your test.Otherwise, ride your test through once with a caller and have somebody video itfor you to watch. That way you get a better overall picture of how the testlooks when ridden, and it should help you to remember it fully.
“People might have agiggle at your expense, but you can “ride” the test on foot a few times.”
Become the Horse…
When you get to the stablesitself, you have a few options. People might have a giggle at your expense, butyou can “ride” the test on foot a few times. Trotting and cantering on foot isnot optional, unfortunately, so prepare to be tired and a littleembarrassed!
Practicing on your horse isalso an option, but if you do it too many times, they’ll remember the test. Ifonly we all had the memory they do! What you can do, though, is walk all the movements on horseback and say aloud which gait, transitionor movement you would be in as you reach them.
(Rider who attended the 2016 FN certificate course became the horse....)
Finally, test yourself!
Have somebody quiz you on the movements just like you’re taking an exam. If you don’t have someone tohelp you, close your eyes and point to the paper. Whichever movement yourfinger lands on, try to name the movement directly before and after.
You’ll know you remember thetest 100% accurately when you can easily do this. You should be able to pick the testup at any point and know exactly what the previous and following movements are,rather than just being able to run through it from the start to the finish.This will come in useful if your test is interrupted for some reason and youneed to pick it up in the middle of the test.
On the day of the show,remember to keep calm and collected. Do not watch the tests before yours, but do have aquick read over the test one more time after you have warmed up. Then put thesheet away and trust yourself to remember every movement perfectly!
Text by Sophie Baker
Photograph of JoãoVictor Marcari Oliva by Cara Grimshaw/FEI