Woman Checks Her Horse into Hotel

arsalan 发表于 2017-10-19 16:06:53 [显示全部楼层] 只看大图 回帖奖励 倒序浏览 阅读模式 0 1964


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Woman Checks Her Full-Grown Horse into Kentucky Hotel Room

Lindsey Partridge, a horse trainer from Canada, recently tested the pet policy of a hotel in Georgetwon, Kentucky, by trying to check her 5-year-old thoroughbred into her room. Believe it or not, she was successful, and it only cost her $10.

Partridge, from Ontario, Canada, recently traveled to the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky, to compete in the Retired Racehorse Project’s Thoroughbred Makeover, an annual competition in which retired racehorses compete in various categories. As she approached the town of Georgetown, where she had booked a room for the week, she decided to stop and drop off her luggage, before driving to the contest venue. Little did she know that one of her horses would be joining her in the room as well.


Photo: Lindsey Partridge/Harmony Horsemanship

Upon entering the lobby of the Supreme 8 Hotel, the horse trainer noticed a pet dog and remarked to the receptionist that she didn’t know about the hotel’s pet policy, adding that she also had some pet horses traveling with her and it would have been nice to check them in as well. She only meant it as a joke, but the receptionist replied “‘Oh, I don’t care. Sure, bring them in”.

Astonished by the response at first, Lindsey Partridge decided that it was too good an opportunity to pass up, so she unloaded one of her horsed from the trailer and brought it into the hotel. People were surprised by the unusual guest, Partridge told ABC News, but they all knew it was in good fun. She only paid $10 to have the horse spend the night in her hotel room.


Photo: Lindsey Partridge/Harmony Horsemanship

“I was like let’s just check in with the horse, and we did our video and then my room happened to be on the first floor, so we took her into the hotel room to watch a little TV,” Lindsey toldChronicles of Horses. She then posted some photos and a video of the whole experience on Facebook, and they quickly went viral.

As you can expect, most people were curious about how she had pulled the whole thing off, while some jokingly asked how the large horse managed to use the toilet. Luckily for the hotel’s cleaning staff, Fuzz, 5-year-old thoroughbred, didn’t actually spend the whole night in the room. Partridge just took some photos, watched some TV with the horse and then took her back to the trailer for the night.

Contacted by ABC News, the Supreme 8 hotel acknowledged the whole thing, saying : “We did not know she was going to bring the horse into the facility. We are pet-friendly, and it is [for animals] 25 pounds and under. We had no knowledge of it being in the room.” Sounds like the receptionist is in hot water…

Lindsey Partridge said that she was happy to see that some hotels don’t discriminate against certain animals, and that she hopes that the unusual story shows people “that horses really can be quiet, calm and nice.”

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