
嘉措 发表于 2005-12-13 13:33:00 [显示全部楼层] 回帖奖励 倒序浏览 阅读模式 2 2108


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Police Fire on Protesters in China, Killing Several By JOSEPH KAHN Published: December 9, 2005 Correction Appended BEIJING, Friday, Dec. 9 - At least four protesters and possibly many more were shot dead this week by riot policemen in Guangdong Province, as a simmering dispute over land use turned into a protracted violent confrontation, a rights group and Hong Kong news outlets reported Thursday. The incident occurred in Dongzhou, a coastal village, when paramilitary policemen shot into a crowd of angry villagers who were trying to prevent the construction of a wind-powered electricity plant, according to Amnesty International. Hong Kong news media quoted villagers as saying the police initially used tear gas to disperse the crowds. But after some local fishermen used explosives in retaliation, paramilitary and army troops were deployed with orders to shoot. Amnesty International said it could confirm the deaths of 4 people and had been told by some villagers that up to 10 people were killed. Hong Kong news reports quoted other villagers as saying that 20 to 50 people had been killed and that the police had fired indiscriminately with machine guns. Even the lower toll would be unusual in China. The police reported that there were 74,000 large-scale incidents of social unrest in 2004, but in the vast majority of them, neither the police nor protesters used firearms or other lethal weapons. Land seizures are one of the most common sources of social unrest in the country. Local governments, eager to promote development, often take land away from peasants for minimal compensation and then sell it for a sizable profit. The wind-powered electricity plant was part of an effort to increase clean power production, according to Chinese reports on the project. But local farmers felt they had not been adequately compensated for land taken away from them, and some fishermen feared the plant would pollute the ocean. Protests have been continuing for several months. They turned violent this week after the police detained several protest leaders and other villagers demanded their release. There were no reports on the incident in the mainland Chinese press, and local, provincial and central government agencies issued no immediate statement. Correction: Dec. 10, 2005, Saturday: Because of an editing error, an article yesterday about the police firing on protesters in a Chinese village misstated the timing of the clashes in some copies. They were on Tuesday evening, not on Thursday, when the reports of the episode emerged. h4v6sY










嘉措 发表于 2005-12-13 13:34:00
China Detains Commander in Killing of Protesters By JOSEPH KAHN Published: December 12, 2005 BEIJING, Monday, Dec. 12 - The commander of paramilitary forces who opened fire on villagers protesting land seizures has been detained by the authorities in connection with the shootings, an extraordinary response that suggested high-level concern over whether the crackdown was justified. The official New China News Agency said in a dispatch Saturday evening that three people had been killed and eight others injured after security forces shot protesters in the village of Dongzhou in Guangdong Province on Tuesday. Villagers have given varying estimates of the death toll, including some who said as many as 20 people had been killed. Guangdong's provincial government issued a statement Sunday saying that the "wrong actions" of the commander, who was not identified, were to blame for the deaths. The statement said he had been detained by civilian authorities in the area. An earlier official account quoting local authorities laid blame for the violence exclusively on villagers. It said local residents, led by three men, first attacked a power plant at the center of a land dispute and then turned on the police, using weapons including spears, knives and dynamite, compelling security forces to put down the insurrection forcibly. The conflicting accounts suggest continued uncertainty about what happened and may also reflect differing responses by local, provincial and national political leaders. The decision to detain the commander so soon after a shooting incident is rare in China. Police and paramilitary commanders have limited autonomy to decide on the use of force against civilians and would generally need high-level approval before opening fire. Even if the commander acted on his own or gave inaccurate information to higher authorities before getting approval, however, security forces would generally be expected to close ranks and defend one of their own leaders rather than accept responsibility for mistaken killings. It would be especially notable if the detained commander worked for the People's Armed Police, which was reported by villagers to have deployed troops in the area. Civilian government officials generally have no power to detain or bring charges against military officers. In many such cases, President Hu Jintao, who has the top civilian, military and Communist Party titles, might be expected to be consulted before conflicts between civilian and military officials could be resolved. Since the large-scale killings to put down a democracy movement in Beijing in 1989, Chinese authorities have invested heavily in training and equipping riot police to suppress protests without the use of lethal force. Since that time, shootings of unarmed demonstrators have been unusual. China had 74,000 mass incidents of unrest in 2004, according an a police tally. While some of them resulted in deaths and a few led to local declarations of martial law, very few involved police or paramilitary troops opening fire on civilians. The Dongzhou incident involved sustained protests over the construction of a large power plant, which appeared to have coal-fired and wind-driven turbines. Some residents complained about the amount of money they received for ceding their land to the government for the plant, while others said a reclamation project connected with the wind-driven turbines would hurt fishing the area. Government officials issued no statements about the shootings until four days after they occurred, leaving villagers to provide their own accounts to Hong Kong and Western media. Local villagers still maintain that a number of people remain missing or unaccounted for, but it is possible the authorities arrested people for participating in the protest. Several Guangzhou newspaper have had reports about the matter, but national newspapers and websites have not even carried the New China News Agency report, suggesting extreme sensitivity on how people will react to the shootings. Murray Scot Tanner, and expert on China's security forces at the Rand Corp. in the United States, said Monday that the detention of a commander could well signal fears that Chinese press reports about the incident may not be treated as credible. He said the authorities are highly reluctant to assign blame to police or paramilitary troops. h4v6sY

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嘉措 发表于 2005-12-13 13:34:00
The sounds of silence (By Simon·Garfunkel ) hello darkness my old friend i've come to talk with you again because a vision softly creeping left its seeds while i was sleeping and the vision that was planted in my brain still remains within the sound of silence in restless dreams i walked along narrow streets of cobble stone beneath the halo of a street lamp i turned my collar to the cold and damp when my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light that split the light and touched the sound of silence and in the naked light i saw ten thousand people maybe more people talking without speaking people hearing without listening people writing songs that voices never share and no one dare disturb the sound of silence "fool" said i,"you do not know silence like a cancer grows hear my words that i might teach you take my arms that i might reach you" but my words like silent raindrops fell and echoed in the walls of silence and the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made and the sign flashed out its warning in the words that it was forming and the signs said "the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls" whispering in the sounds of silence h4v6sY

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