发表于 2006-4-18 22:29:00
<font face="楷体_GB2312" size="4"><strong>Giverny, France, 1989<br/> Photograph by Farrell Grehan<br/> Looking a lot like one of his paintings, this water-lily pond in Giverny, France, is one of the many legacies left by French Impressionist painter Claude Monet. Monet began painting in Giverny, a village on the Seine some 45 miles (74 kilometers) west of Paris, in 1883. <br/> Few people know that he also designed the gardens he immortalized on canvas, such as this pond and garden near his Giverny home. <br/> <br/> (Photograph shot on assignment for, but not published in, "Giverny," March 1989, National Geographic Traveler magazine) <br/> <br/> Claude Monet是一位法国印象派画家,图中这个看起来好像他的作品一样的睡莲池位于法国的Giverny,是其留下来的众多遗产之一。Giverny是巴黎以西大约45英里(74公里)塞纳河旁的一个小村庄,在1883年,Monet就是在那里开始他的绘画生涯的。</strong></font><br/>
(收藏)《国家地理 》2006年四月刊!
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