以下是引用hppeng在2010/3/13 12:34:00的发言:Jose, 可以請一位懂馬,但不曾 handle Ranger 的朋友,幫 Ranger 上鞍,牽 Ranger 離開馬廄,不用強迫的方式,看 Ranger 是否仍然 Barn Sour. H版, 马主请了高手朋友帮忙,结果还是抗拒出场,后来结伴跟另一匹马才勉强出去野骑,但还没过桥,就被Ranger 拖了回来, 哈哈。。。 she told me she was in the park the other day with him and amaretto - nicole riding amaretto. they got to the bridge and amaretto turned around and ranger started bucking a little and turned around to go back. i guess he thought the other horse was turning to go back --- but by that time, they were ready to go back to the barn.....just thought that was funny how he got that far and then got stubborn and had to do his thing.....oh well...don't sell yourself short.....you do myself and mostly ranger a BIG service by riding him as often as you do |