Hi Bee_kid, Thank you for pointing out the safety concern. 100% on safety first. >展开"Long Rein"练习的基础是建立在马匹已接受了足够而熟练的"打圈"调教,并且是已能完全掌握和服从"声音提示", Agree. My horse knows everything you said. He knows all the round penning work and voice command, too. He has no issue when the reins are around his hip. In a "well-known" environment, he long-reins like a champ. However, he has issues dealing with new stimulus, mainly new arena. I introduce long reining to work on his lateral movement, in the mean time trying to solve his spookiness. FYI, there're advocates that talk about the "useless" of round penning work. I kind of agree with them. >强调一点,是在有压力下的练习 Sorry, I do not agree with you on this one. My point is education can be pressure free. In the world of free shaping and R+, pressure is out of the question. Just my opinion. >马匹是需要服从、而不光只是和人友好便足够! To me, real obedience comes from the "willingness and positive attitude to offer the expected behavior cued by the trainer". This can only happen when the animals figure out, without pressure, that doing the "expected behavior" earns them something good. On the contrary, if it is because they want to "avoid" some negative feelings by offering the expected behavior, it may be the "obedience" for most of people, but not for me. It is not to say that I'm right while others are wrong. It is just to say I choose this route. >马匹调教是存在着一定的危险性,所以一些基本的条件和要求是必须具备的 Yes. |