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3 Voice Aids 声音扶助
The use of the voice is invaluable as a
training aid and can be used for riding, handling and lunging. The word used
along with its tone and length of time that the word is held for can indicate
many things from an upward transition to a downward one, an aid for collection
and as a reprimand or a word of praise. A well schooled horse will quickly
recognize and respond to voice cues. The use of the voice is not permitted
during a dressage test.
3.1 Upward transition 向上变换步法
When on the lunge for example to ask the
horse to trot on from a walk pace the trainer will use the phrase "trot
on" with emphasis on the "T" and with a rise in tone towards the
end of the word.
例如当冲刺时,想叫一只马从慢步到快步,驯马师就说“trot on”并把重音放在T上,结尾升调。
3.2 Downward transition 向下变换步法
The opposite effect is used for a downward
transition, for example when going from trot to walk on the lunge the trainer
will use the word "walk" and lower the tone towards the end of the
word along with stretching the word out at the same time.
3.3 Collection 收缩
By using a word such as "steady"
in a calm but direct tone can be used to help slow down or collect a horses
movement. This aid can be of great help when riding cross country fences, for
example if the horse needed to collect before a fence. 用冷静但果断的语气说“steady”可以使马放慢步伐或使马收缩。这个词在越野赛,比如障碍前收缩时非常有用。
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