这里的内容更加倾向于增加大家关于赛事监管方面的知识,使大家能够在这个板块里多交流这方面的信息。 The major target of this part is to enhance the knowledge of national technical offical that people can exchange the interrelated information in this field. 还有很多内容有待补充,很抱歉,这一段时间有些怠慢,以后会努力多增加内容。 We need supplement much more content. I'm sorry that we have a little bit neglected of duty. We will try our best to do it better. 也希望的得到大家的支持,希望大家都能够有所收获。 At the same time, We hope to get encouragement of people and wish you could get more, learn more and become more.
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