Article 413: Turn on the Haunches, the Pirouette and the Half-pirouette
| | 第413條: 以臀部為中心迴旋、定後肢迴旋與定後肢半迴旋
1. Turn on the haunches from halt to halt (180 degrees). To maintain the forward tendency of the movement, 1 or 2 forward steps at the beginning of the turn are permitted. During the turn, the horse moves around a point whereby the inner hind leg remains close to that point while stepping around the point in a clear four-beat rhythm. The front legs and the outside hind leg move around the inner hind leg which is lifted and lowered in rhythm, clearly in the direction of the centre of gravity and meets the ground in the same spot or only slightly in front thereof. After the completion of the turn, the horse is brought back to the track in a forward sideward manner before the second halt. The horse returns to the track without the hind legs crossing. When executing the turn, the horse should be flexed in the direction of the turn.
| | 1. 從立定開始以臀部為中心迴旋 (180度) 到立定 為了維持動作向前的傾向,在開始迴旋時允許向前走一兩步。在迴旋時,馬體環繞著一個定點運動,內方後肢維持靠近這個定點,以清楚的四節拍踏進。前肢與外方後肢環繞著內方後肢運動,內方後肢以清楚的韻律往重心的方向抬起踏下,每次都踩在同一地點或其稍前方。在完成迴旋之後,將馬往側前方帶回到蹄跡線才立定。在馬回到蹄跡線時後肢不能交叉。在迴旋時,馬體應向迴旋的方向彎曲。
2. Turn on the haunches from walk (180 degrees). The same criteria apply as for the turn on the haunches from halt to halt. The only difference is that the horse does not come to a halt before and after the turn. Before starting the turn, the steps of the walk should be shortened.
| | 2. 慢步以臀部為中心迴旋 和立定以臀部為中心迴旋的條件一樣,唯一不同的是,馬不是從立定開始和結束。在開始迴旋之前,馬的慢步步幅應該要縮短。
3. The Pirouette (half-pirouette) is a turn of 360 degrees (180 degrees) executed on two tracks, with a radius equal to the length of the horse, the forehand moving round the haunches.
| | 3. 定後肢迴旋 (定後肢半迴旋) 是以兩蹄跡運動轉360度 (180度),半徑等於馬體長度,前軀圍繞腰臀部旋轉的運動。
| 3.1. Pirouettes (half-pirouettes) are usually carried out at collected walk or canter, but can also be executed at piaffe.
| | | 3.1. 定後肢迴旋 (定後肢半迴旋) 通常用縮短慢步或跑步來做,也可以用原地踏步來做。
| 3.2. At the pirouette (half-pirouette) the forefeet and the outside hind foot move round the inside hind foot, which forms the pivot and should return to the same spot, or slightly in front of it, each time it leaves the ground.
| | | 3.2. 做定後肢迴旋 (定後肢半迴旋) 時,以內側後肢為軸,兩前肢和外側後肢圍繞內側後肢動作,而且內側後蹄每次抬起來之後都必踩在同一地點或其稍前方。
| 3.3. At whatever pace the pirouette (half-pirouette) is executed, the horse, slightly bent in the direction in which he is turning, should, remaining 'on the bit' with a light contact, turn smoothly round, maintaining the exact cadence and sequence of footfalls of that pace. The poll stays the highest point during the entire movement.
| | | 3.3. 無論用哪種步伐做定後肢迴旋 (定後肢半迴旋),馬體都應當向著它轉動的方向稍稍彎曲,保持 '受銜' 和輕微的接觸,流暢地旋轉,保持正確的節奏和該種步伐運步的順序。在整個動作期間,維持項部為最高點。
| 3.4. During the pirouettes (half-pirouettes) the horse should maintain his impulsion, and never in the slightest way, move backwards or deviate sideways.
| | | 3.4. 定後肢迴旋 (定後肢半迴旋) 期間,馬匹應當保持其前進氣勢,並且絕不能稍稍後退或稍稍偏偏向一方。
| 3.5. In executing the pirouette or the half-pirouette in canter, the rider should maintain perfect lightness of the horse while accentuating the collection. The hindquarters are well engaged and lowered and show a good flexion of the joints. An integral part of the movement is the canter strides before and after the pirouette. These should be characterised by an increased activity, straightness and collection before the pirouette; and the movement having been completed, by the balance being maintained as the horse proceeds.
| | | 3.5. 用跑步做定後肢迴旋或定後肢半迴旋時,雖然強調收縮,但騎手仍然應當讓馬完全輕鬆自如,後軀降低深踏,各關節彎曲自如。定後肢迴旋之前和之後的跑步,是該動作完整的組合,其特點是在定後肢迴旋之前即開始增強活力、正直和收縮;而且做完動作馬匹要向前進時,一樣要保持平衡。
| 3.6. The quality of the pirouettes (half-pirouettes) is judged according to the suppleness, lightness, cadence and regularity, and to the precision and smoothness of the transitions; pirouettes (half-pirouettes) at canter also according to the balance, the elevation and the number of strides (at pirouettes 6-8, at half-pirouettes 3-4 are desirable).
| | | 3.6. 定後肢迴旋 (定後肢半迴旋) 的品質好壞根據其柔韌性、輕盈、節奏與規律性,以及移行的精確度和流暢性來判斷;以跑步做定後肢迴旋 (定後肢半迴旋) 時,其品質還要按其平衡性、運步高度和步數來判斷 (定後肢迴旋為 6-8 步,定後肢半迴旋為 3-4 步)。 資料來源:馬術&馬