The Organizing Committee of an international event must appoint a Chief Steward and an appropriate number of stewards under his authority in order or assist him in his task of stewarding. All must wear distinctive badges or armbands and must have complete freedom of access to restricted areas. During the whole event, the entire restricted area as well as the schooling area, when in use, must be controlled by stewards. 一场国际赛事的组织委员会必须指派一名马术监事长和一组人数适当的赛事监管人员。在马术监事长的带领下,这组赛事监管人员必须辅助监事长做好赛事监管的工作。所有赛事监管人员都必须佩带徽章或臂章,可以完全自由进出限制外人出入的区域。在整个赛事期间,赛事监管人员必须管理所有受限制区域和练习场地的使用。 The position of Chief Steward is of the greatest importance as far as ensuring fairness among competitors is concerned. He carries a big responsibility and should be integrated as an important member of the OC, attending all technical meetings. He must be supported by the OC in his task. His name must be mentioned in the schedule, as well as in the program. 马术监事长的职责至关重要,他必须保证选手之间公平竞争。他身负重任,应该融入组织委员会中,成为重要的一分子,并参加所有技术会议。他也必须得到组织委员会的支持。他的名字要不断地在日程表和赛事计划中出现。 The Chief Steward has the authority to issue a yellow warning card for abuse to horses and incorrect behavior towards officials. He comes under the authority of the President of the Ground Jury at international events. If a Technical Delegate is appointed, there must be close cooperation between him and the Chief Steward, prior to and during the entire event. 马术监事长有权利对于咒骂马匹和对官员们行为不当的选手出示黄牌警告。他直接受命于各种国际赛事的裁判长。如果一个技术代表被指派,在整个比赛之前和比赛期间,他与马术监事长之间必须密切配合。 At the end of the event, he must write a report, which should indicate the stewarding organization, as well as proposals for improving the stewarding system for the following year. All unusual observations or actions must be mentioned. 在比赛末尾,马术监事长必须写一份报告。报告里要提及赛事监管组织,和进一步改善第二年赛事监管工作的各项建议,以及所有日常观察到的现象和行为。 When an international event consists of more than one discipline, the OC must appoint FEI Chief Stewards specialized in each discipline, one of whom must be appointed as overall Chief Steward for the entire event, and be responsible for complete security. 如果一项国际赛事包括多个方面,组织委员会就必须指派多个马术监事长,每人专注于一方面,他们之中也必须选出一人担任整个比赛期间的总监事长,他将对整个比赛期间的安全负责。 Dear Susan, I give you my homework again. I'm not sure about the "discipline" in the last paragraph. In dictionary, "discipline" means " 纪律" , but here the Chinese version is not quite proper. Would you please tell me how to translate it? If there is any problem in my translation, just tell me frankly! Thank you very much!
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