
2016-3-10 14:41| 发布者: 木辛| 查看: 10447| 评论: 0|原作者: 水中月|来自: 凯瑟琳 · 戴维斯

摘要: Tendon Ligament Health 肌腱和韧带健康 导语 The terms “tendon” and “ligament” are often used interchangeably. While they are similar in some ways (they’re both considered “soft tissue” or “co ...
Tendon & Ligament Health 肌腱和韧带健康

The terms “tendon” and “ligament” are often used interchangeably. While they are similar in some ways (they’re both considered “soft tissue” or “connective tissue”), they’re different in others. Like the name “connective tissue” suggests, the role of tendons and ligaments is to connect. Where they differ is in what they connect – tendons connect muscle to bone while ligaments attach bone to bone. Both tendons and ligaments are vital to the proper functioning of your horse’s joints, and an injury could affect his soundness and performance level.

Tendon 肌腱
There are two tendons that run down the back of the leg. The one nearest to the skin is the “superficial digital flexor tendon” and the one nearest to the cannon bone is the “deep digital flexor tendon”. If your horse has injured one of these tendons, we call the problem “tendonitis”, which is a term used to describe inflammation or swelling of the tendon. Tendon injuries can vary in severity, from a mild strain to a complete tear. One of the most common tendon injuries is often referred to as a “bowed” tendon, named for the bow shape that develops on the back side of the cannon bone when there is stretching and swelling in the tendon.  

Ligament Injuries 韧带损伤
There are several important ligaments found in your horse’s legs, including the “suspensory ligaments”, “check ligaments” and “sesamoid ligaments”. If your horse has injured a ligament, we call it “desmitis”, which is a term used to describe inflammation of a ligament. Similar to tendon injuries, ligament injuries can vary in severity, from a mild strain to a complete tear. One common ligament injury you may have heard of is often called a “pulled” suspensory, which is when the suspensory ligament is sprained and inflammation develops.
马腿上有一些非常重要的韧带,包括“悬韧带”,“翼状韧带”,“籽骨韧带”。如果你的马韧带受伤了,我们称之为“韧带炎”,即韧带的炎症。同肌腱损伤相似,韧带损伤的严重程度也有轻有重——从轻度拉伤到完全撕裂。你或许听到过的,常见的韧带损伤被称之为“pulled” suspensory(悬肌拉伤),也就是悬韧带扭伤或有炎症。

Diagnosis 诊断
It is important to supply the building blocks for tissue re-growth while at the same time provide protection against free radicals. If you notice unsoundness in your horse and suspect that he may have a soft tissue injury, it’s important to contact your vet immediately for a lameness exam and, hopefully, a diagnosis. The lameness examination may include flexion tests, palpation and nerve blocks to try and identify the source of the lameness. While x-rays may be taken, ultrasound is the imaging tool of choice for diagnosing and assessing soft tissue injuries. MRI and CT scans are also now being used to visualize potentially damaged structures. Most vets prefer to use one of these imaging tools because visualizing the injury enhances their ability to predict how severe it is and how long it will take to heal.
为细胞组织的再生提供养料的同时,为抵御有害自由基而提供保护是一件非常重要的事情。如果你注意到你的马步伐不稳健,怀疑马或许有软组织受伤的问题,那么一定要及时联系你的兽医,做跛足测试(lameness exam),希望能确诊。跛足测试(lameness exam)或许包括:弯曲测试,触诊,神经阻滞以尝试确定跛足的原因。涉及到软组织损伤或许会需要X光机,图片工具——超声波。核磁共振(MRI)和CT扫描等可视化工具也都曾被用于潜在的组织损伤。大部分兽医倾向于使用这些可视化工具,因为通过视觉观察能大大增加他们对伤情,以及愈合时间的判断。

Once you receive a diagnosis, it’s important to work with a consulting veterinarian to design the appropriate rehabilitation program for your horse. Many rehab programs progress from stall rest to hand walking, then a gradual return to riding and regular work, but timelines vary greatly based on the extent of the injury, so it’s important to work closely with your specialist equine vet.

Depending on your horse and his particular injury, I recommend cold therapy (such as icing or cold hosing), support bandages (like quilted wraps and stable bandages), or Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)  such as phenylbutazone (bute), Banamine? to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

For many years I have used topical DMSO as an anti-inflammatory treatment. This product may be available in China. You must have the horses leg completely clean and dry before you use it, and use latex gloves when you apply it. If not, you will absorb through your skin.

Newer therapies such as IRAP (interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein), PRP (platelet rich plasma) and stem cells may also be beneficial. You should have an equine specialist veterinarian regularly monitor your horse’s progress throughout the rehabilitation process. If your horse returns to work too quickly he will become permanently lame.
新疗法,诸如IRAP(白细胞介素1受体拮抗interleukin-1 receptor antagonist protein)、PRP(富血小板血浆),以及干细胞或许也会有用。你应该有一位兽医专家定期、系统的检测马的康复进展。如果你的马过早再次接受训练,或许会给马造成永久性损伤。

Supplements May Lend Support 营养补充剂或许能提供支持
Antioxidants – Sel-Plus Antioxidant Supplement.
Antioxidants can help neutralize the damaging free radicals that are released during times of stress, illness or heavy activity. An injury is one stress that can increase the amount of free radicals produced in the body. The presence of too many free radicals is believed to be the primary cause of inflammation and cell destruction.

作者:凯瑟琳 · 戴维斯

