Understanding Learning Ability 理解学习能力
Horses naturally learn to recognize connections between signals or events which dictate how they should respond. 马有着学习识别信号和事物之间联系的天性。那些信号可以暗示它们该做出如何反应。
Much of a horse’s behavior is copied from other members of the herd. If one animal in the herd suddenly bolts in a certain direction, then the rest will almost certainly stampede after it, although they may not have been exposed to the stimulus.The purpose of learning is to ensure survival. Horses learn to react in a certain way to avoid an unpleasant consequence, to get a reward in the form of food, or to flee from a potential threat. 大多数马的行为是从马群中其它成员那学来的。如果马群中有一匹马突然向某个方向逃走,那么其余的马几乎可以肯定会跟着它逃跑,尽管它们可能还没有暴露于危险中。学习的目的是为了生存。马学会用特定的方式来做出反应是为了避免不好的结果,获得食物形式的奖励,或者逃离潜在的危险。
For our own benefit, in order to create a safe riding animal, it is necessary in the early training of horses and ponies to expose them regularly to stimuli such as barking dogs, noisy cars, ect. Until they no longer react in such a dramatic way. We should aim to be as calm and impassive as possible when exposing the young animal to new experiences as they will be all to aware of any nervous tension that we might display. 为了我们自身的利益,为了安全骑乘,有必要在马和矮马的早期调教中让它们定期地接受刺激,诸如犬吠的狗,吵杂的汽车等等。直到它们不再做出如此戏剧性的反应。我们应当尽可能沉着镇静地将小马驹带入新的体验,因为我们表现出来的任何紧张它们都能意识到。
1.Have regular contact with your horse or pony throughout the day, but allow ample opportunity for real rest and quiet. 一天要定时和你的马或矮马接触,但是也要给予足够的时间让它有机会真正休息和获得安静。
2.Speak or make a recognizable noise before approaching or touching the animal. 在靠近马和接触马的时候说说话或者发出可以辨认的声音。
3.Always handle your horse in a calm but purposeful manner. 总是沉着但是用有目的的方式控制你的马。
4.Try to anticipate your horse’s reactions to the unpredictable. 试图预料你的马对于不可预测事物的反应。
We can use these early years profitably to establish a secure background by introducing new sights, new sounds, and constructive exercises, including the use of voice commands and body language to reinforce actions. Leading out in handle or off another animal and long reining are good forms of exercise to impart the action of moving forward in responds to our contact and command. 我们可以利用早期的这些年通过新的景象,新的声音,以及积极的训练,包括使用口令和肢体语言来增强行动有利地建立一个安全背景。马受(人的)控制外出或将另一匹马不受(人的)控制外出或者长缰遛马都是很好的训练形式,可以传授向前运动的行动作为对我们联系和命令的回应。
By this form of training, we are already imprinting desired behavior such as remaining calm in traffic, being rugged up, walking through water, and even traveling in a trailer or truck. Good behavior should be reinforced and rewarded. 通过这种形式的调教,我们已经使(马)将预期的行为牢记于心,像在交通中保持沉着,被毯子裹起来,在水中走,甚至在拖车或卡车中旅行。表现好的马需要强化和奖赏。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-28 9:37:26编辑过] |