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For Prospective Horseman
“如果没有丰富的知识与经验,不了解马匹的优势与短处,买马将是一项昂贵的、高风险的任务......” ——George H. Morris
George H. Morris(1938.2.26—),是美国知名的马术骑手、教练和裁判员,曾任美国场地障碍国家马术队领队及总教练。1960年罗马奥运会代表美国队获团体银牌。数十次国家冠军队成员,赢得过传统大赛德国亚琛及加拿大卡尔加里的冠军。14岁就成为最年轻的美国国家队冠军。曾带领美国队获得2008年北京奥运会团体金牌,2006年FEI世界马术大会个人和团体银牌。他的学生遍及世界各地,取得过不计其数的世界马术障碍赛冠军,其中包括著名的美国骑手 Beezie Madden 和德国骑手 Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum。Morris 还曾被英国马术杂志《马术师实践》誉为世纪骑手,深受马术圈内人士的敬重。
Advice For The Prospective Horseman(一)
I feel that being a horseman is a privilege, and being a professional horseman is a rare privilege indeed.
The horse may be our most noble creature. He is certainly our most beautiful creature. To be able to work with and make a living with him is something few people are lucky enough to experience.Most of us get so wrapped up in the technical and competitive aspects of equestrian sports that we tend to forget the horse is also a living, feeling being.
Professional in any field are telling the public that they're experts and they can now be paid for their expertise. They are responsible, grown men and women who know how to conduct a business, pay their bills, maintain a riding facility, select and maintain horses properly, teach horsemanship, give riding lessons, train horses, and, in our world, handle people and horses at horse shows.
Because the horse is the reason for being for the professional horseman,every decision and choice must be made in the interest of the horse.To me,the first obligation is the facility where the horses live, the riders ride, and the training takes place. A professional must learn how to physically house horses and riders. This doesn't mean fancy and costly, but it does mean neat, clean,simple and safe.
The next obligation as a professional is the selection, care and handling of horses.Buying horses is much too risky and expensive to do without an extensive knowledge of the horse, his beauties and defects. We all make mistakes in buying horses. I tell people I'm pretty good at buying horses because I'm 70 percent right! Nobody is 100 percent on the mark when it comes to buying horses.
It's easy to buy a horse (or anything) ; it's much harder to maintain it. Taking care of a horse beautifully comes well before good training or good riding. Aprofessional must acquire the reputation for being a good, preferably top,caretaker.
Each of us gets along differently with people. I have a rather militant personality in dealing with people I hire in the horse world, probably because all of my teachers were ex-Army officers. This approach won't work for everyone. The people we have to associate with include staff (grooms, managers, secretaries,carpenters, riders, trainers, owners, veterinarians and blacksmiths). It's hard to keep them all in line and content, with themselves and with one another.
(To Be Continued)