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20条George Morris的建议For Prospective Horseman
“永远不要将不同的学生或马匹放在一起作比较。比较是会让人不舒服的,每个人和每匹马都有自己独特的地方与优势。” ——George H. Morris
George H. Morris(1938.2.26—),是美国知名的马术骑手、教练和裁判员,曾任美国场地障碍国家马术队领队及总教练。1960年罗马奥运会代表美国队获团体银牌。数十次国家冠军队成员,赢得过传统大赛德国亚琛及加拿大卡尔加里的冠军。14岁就成为最年轻的美国国家队冠军。曾带领美国队获得2004年雅典奥运会和2008年北京奥运会团体金牌,2006年FEI世界马术大会个人和团体银牌。他的学生遍及世界各地,取得过不计其数的世界马术障碍赛冠军,其中包括著名的美国骑手 Beezie Madden 和德国骑手 Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum。Morris 还曾被英国马术杂志《马术师实践》誉为世纪骑手,深受马术圈内人士的敬重。
10、 在马匹周围不应该有酒精、毒品、烟草的出现,我年纪越大,越见识到了更多这些东西造成的危害。
15、 好好对待他们——马匹、员工、学生、客户、兽医、供货商、裁判、行政人员,这样他们才会好好对待你。
16、 在这个行业里,年轻人应当多观察,多听,多学习。而不要过早、过多和过于大声地发表自己的意见。行动胜于语言,人们只会看你拿出的作品。
Advice For The Prospective Horseman(二)
I feel that being a horseman is a privilege, and being a professional horseman is a rare privilege indeed.
Here are some of my beliefs about what a professional horseman should be :
1. Never be inhumane to an animal. Yes, be a strong, disciplined, demanding trainer with a horse if necessary, but never inhumane.
2. Be a "neat - nik " with yourself and everything around you. Most people are
3. Treat all staff with respect . They will respect you if you work as hard or harder than them. Familiarity breeds contempt.
4. Curtail gossip and backstabbing in the barn as much as possible. Get rid of people who do this.
5. Never compare students or horses. Comparisons are odious. Each has his own good.
6. Go out and look for and at horses; it improves your eye.
7. Always be on time. It breeds respect.
8. Whatever your task is, be it big or small, do it to the best of your ability. Quality work will bring you 10 times more work than poor work.
9. Never run or drive fast around horses. Motorized vehicles and the noise they make have little place around stables. Riding, teaching and training should be quiet and concentrated.Teachers must be able to "watch" their pupils, and riders must be able to "listen" to their horses.
10. Alcohol, drugs and smoking have no place around horses. The older I get, the more destructive I see these things are.
11. Riding is an athletic endeavor. Stay thin! Inspire people to be athletes.
12. The only thing sleazier than blatantly romancing and stealing a customer is doing the same thing to a groom.
13. Helping a rider, owner or staff achieve a better opportunity is good, though. This can be done through advertising, word of mouth, or excellence of service.
14. Remember that professionals must live with other professionals for a very, very long time. A professional network, with professional ethics, has stood the test of time. Don't violate this. Don't burn bridges. It will come back to haunt you.
15. Do to others-horses, staff, students, clients, veterinarians, trades people, judges, administrators - as you would want them to do to you.
16. Young people in the business should watch, listen and learn.They shouldn't voice their opinions too much, too loudly, or too soon. Actions speak louder than words. It's what you produce that tells the tale.
17. Don't unfairly criticize other people's horses.
18. Charge correctly for your services so you can pay your bills.
19. Never forget or lose respect for the people who helped with giving you a "leg up" in the horse business, especially parents, other professionals, teachers and owners. Appreciation and respect are great virtues.
20. We've all made mistakes in these and other areas. Mistakes are fine if we're willing to learn from them.
There has never been such a thing as to be a good professional horseman. I'm just honored that it was my lot in life to be one at all.