Horse Maxx will participate in CHF 2017, Booth No. A01-5

CHF-BJ 发表于 2017-7-19 09:39:28 [显示全部楼层] 回帖奖励 倒序浏览 阅读模式 0 1224


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Booth No. A01-5
1. Requirement of Roughage for Horses
-  Horse is an herbivore that can survive with only roughage. In particular, wild horses (grazing horses) eat grass for 12 hours a day.

-  Domesticating horses are fed “Concentrated Feed” that contains a high level of energy and nutrients, instead of “grass” with the aim to improve productive, mobile and economic effects.

-  Accordingly, “the remaining 50% of roughage” (50% is grain feed) is increasingly important to improve physical health. In other words, there is growing demand for fresh, quality roughage with easy digestion.

-  Among herbivores, the“cow,”that has four stomachs, including a ruminant stomach (first stomach), has 72 hours of feed passing through its intestine while a“horse,”which is a monogastric animal, has about 24 hours of feed passing through its intestine. Therefore, the roughage feed by horses, compared to cows, must be :

- High quality                                
- Of well-balanced nutrition
- Of excellent palatability            
- Digested with ease
Roughage Feeding Type for Herbivores
* How can we choose feeding types?
- Given Korea’s roughage condition, stocks’ performance and health, around 50-60% of roughage required to be fed to herbivores is recommended to be “Fermented Roughage ( Fiber F Max  )”.

2. Advantage of  Fiber F Max
-  Fiber F Max is roughage that can be used in the form of “Silage (fermented feed)” among other types of herbivore roughage.

-  Fiber F Max is Total Mix Roughage that was fermented with Super Premium hays such as Timothy, Alfalfa, and Oat.

-  Fiber F Max obtained a patent for fermentation of lactic acid bacteria (107) using hay. It is roughage which has the combined effects of roughage and lactic acid bacteria.

- The constant consumption of fermented microorganisms (lactic acid bacteria) supplies such organisms to the intestines of stocks, enabling intestinal regulation and creating layers to protect the intestines from hazardous bacteria. This effect strengthens the immune system, improves fundamental health and maintains a good condition for horses.

-  Fiber F Max with the fermentation of lactic acid bacteria, has excellent palatability contributing to higher feed consumption.

- Packaged forage that is easy and convenient to ensure constant and stable feeding yearly.

-  Fiber F Max allows to reach 80% or more of roughage consumption requirement for horse.

3. Nutrient of  Fiber F Max

4. Daily Feed Volume of  Fiber F Max
(Feed volume for 100kg horse weight, Kg/Day. Stock)

5. Caution for Roughage
-  Store in cool area, staying out of sunlight.
-  Expiration date is 90 days from
-  manufacturing date
-  Store without damage to packages
-  (Maintain air protection)
-  Horses first fed roughage require a 3-5 day
-  transition period.
-  After starting feeding roughage, maintain
-  constant supply of roughage
-  (characteristic of lactic acid bacteria)

6. Other Information
-  Packaging unit: 20kg/pack
-  Vacuum compressed (No Damage)
-  Seller 'LOTUS A.C.T, Inc'

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