Hello, I just came back from vacation. About these questions :在轻缓慢慢地拉伸马的前腿的过程中,小腿向下时漆关节很容易抬起,但再向前伸直小腿就有难度了。并且向前伸直左腿时马向前趴倒,伸直右腿时马向后趴倒. For the health horses, they should show you that they are relaxing and standing nicely when you do the stretching exercise for they. I don't see the horse and I can't feel the muscle. Therefore, I will suggest that you check with the veterinary who know the horse. For this question: 如果过在高点的障碍,当马落地时,前腿伸的不够是否容易造成重心超前.I didn't understand what did you mean???!!! As I mentioned before, the horse was trained as a racing horse before. The training way is different than show jumping. To re-train a horse will take time. The best way is to do easy work with the horse by longeing,trotting,cantering,transition, leg yield, shoulder in, travers(quarters-in/haunchin), renvers(quarters-out/haunch out),cavakketti during the first few months. These are the basic and good exercises for building up rider's sitting position and horse's hind quarters. You may start jumping when both of you can do these exercises easily together. Please be patience, patience and patience. I didn't write in Chinese because I didn't know how to say those exercises in Chinese.   |