I'm not Meiwa, but your horse does sound like having a sore back. You need to let him rest, so he can have a chance to recover. If it's muscle related (no damage to the vertebrae), in the US, we inject anti-inflammatory drugs to the muscles if it's severe, and give the horse muscle relaxant orally and let the horse rest 2-4 weeks for the muscle injury to heal. Icing 15-20 minutes twice a day on the back muscles will also help reduce the inflammation. You can also tickle the horse's belly at where the girth goes across to help lift his back to stretch the back muscles some. This is a good exercise even if the horse's back is not sore. Good luck. I hope your horse feels better soon.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-29 13:20:35编辑过]
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