以下是引用全球通在2009/1/24 20:07:00的发言:拿去年的照片和今年的比较,可以看得出JOSE的骑坐深多了。 低头却见水中天,后退原来是向前。水平高了却感觉差距更大了。 过节时出去野骑放松放松吧。 马场里更多地用屁股去感受感受骑坐。 脱蹬用自己的屁股先在走步中去感受感受马的后肢运动。 是的,与其被瓶颈所困,不如忘记瓶颈,当你感到非常郁闷的时候,休息放松放松一下,换个环境 尽管觉得自己没有进步可是现在也能毁到舞步温血应该值得高兴,下个月还有一匹温血马中最高大最重的奥登堡出租,身高17手,再去碰碰运气  Prince Charming - | Age: 1993 | Breed: Oldenberg Warmblood | Hands: 17.0 | Price: flexible | Listing: Sale or Lease | 1 2 3
| | Adorable Bay Oldenberg for Sale/Lease. Prince Charming (Scooter) truly is "charming!" He has been a winning sensation at the shows for years and really knows his job. Typically shown in the Childrens Eq. and Hunters, and the Minis. He is cute, a beautiful mover (very fancy) and an overall pleasure to be around. Whether riding at the barn or all cleaned up for a show, he is so easy and fun! Perfect changes and will jump anything from anywhere. He is anything you could ever want in a horse! |