Hong Kong Equestrian Federation_President’s Report

明明冰冰 发表于 2009-5-22 20:57:00 [显示全部楼层] 回帖奖励 倒序浏览 阅读模式 1 1806


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Hong Kong Equestrian Federation



Annual General Meeting (25th May 2009)

President’s Report

The Olympic and Paralympic Equestrian Games in August last year were hosted

successfully, to high praise and acclamation! To have our own Hong Kong team

representing our sport in the Olympics in our home town, is a once in a life time event. The enthusiasm displayed by the Hong Kong public towards our sport, during the Games, was plain to see. The fact that the Hong Kong Team consisting of Kenneth Cheng, Samantha Lam and Patrick Lam all performed so creditably in the Jumping Competition, fired Hong Kong people’s imagination. This is confirmed by applications for riding lessons in our

public riding schools rising by 50%, since then.

Never before has a Hong Kong Equestrian Team competed in the Olympic Games, nor has a rider represented Hong Kong in the Paralympic Games. Qualifying for the Games was an achievement in itself and so it was very exciting to see our riders do so well against the World’s best. Our heartiest congratulations to Kenneth Cheng, Samantha Lam, Patrick Lam and Nelson Yip for their marvellous efforts and tremendous achievements. Unfortunately, our 4th Team member, Jennifer Lee was unable to compete as her horse Mr. Burns was not fit enough to travel back to Hong Kong before the deadline. That was devastating not only because they had done so well in training but also since Jennifer gave up her U.S. citizenship in order to represent Hong Kong.

We can all be proud that Hong Kong pulled off this no mean feat in record time, without a

hitch. The Federation and its members played a major role and we have received a

Certificate from the International Olympics Committee and the Beijing Olympics

Organising Committee recognising us as a distinguished contributor to the Games. On

behalf of the Federation, I wish to thank all our members who acted as volunteers and who

gave their time and experience so generously in the process.

The Federation operated the Hospitality Tent at the Olympic venue which by all accounts

was very successful and much appreciated by our visitors. Our thanks go to all our

volunteers for being so efficient and cheerful and for making all our visitors feel so welcome.

As a legacy of the Equestrian Games, the Hong Kong Jockey Club announced a $50 million sponsorship package mainly for our riders to continue their training here and overseas. This sponsorship was granted to four senior riders, namely Kenneth Cheng, Patrick Lam, Samantha Lam and Gaelle Tong and five junior riders – Elysia Roach, Kendall Kruger, Taylor Yeung, Jasmine Lai and Jacqueline Lai. Looking ahead, our riders will be preparing for the All China National Games to be held in Jinan in October this year and the Asian Games in Guangzhou in November next year. There is also a possibility of participating in the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky in next August. Finally, the sponsorship package has been designed to provide funding to the chosen riders to prepare for the 2012 Olympic Games in London. I cannot let this opportunity pass without expressing my personal appreciation to the families of all our team riders, for their unflinching support to our riders and to our sport. We all know that the pursuit of excellence in this sport requires huge financial commitments and family and personal sacrifices.

Separately, the Federation has obtained two significant donations of HK$2 million each from two donors, Mr. Raymond Lee of Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. and Mr. Simon Kwok of Sa Sa Cosmetic Ltd. These generous donations will form the basis of further fund raising to enable us to set up an endowment fund to promote horse sport and to nurture our emerging talents. The Federation has appointed Mr. Lee and Mr. Kwok as Honorary Members in recognition of their generosity.

In November last year, our Secretary General Seonke Lauterbach returned to Germany to assume the position of Secretary General of the German Equestrian Federation and was replaced by Sacha Eckjans. In the short space of two years, Soenke made a great impact on our sport and his brief secondment to the Equestrian Company contributed significantly to the successful preparations and running of the Games. His successor, Sacha, also comes from an extensive background in horse sport, with notable experiences in therapeutic riding and recently became Chairman of the RDA’s Rehabilitation Committee. Before taking up his position in Hong Kong, Sacha was appointed chef d’e quipe of the Hong Kong Olympic Jumping Team and spent time with our riders in Europe, before returning with them for the

Games. An accomplished horseman and experienced administrator, his appointment brings a wealth of experience to the Federation. If you are interested in obtaining more information about Sacha, his full c.v. is on our website.

Wendy Watkins, who served as an Executive Committee member for 7 years, resigned from the Executive Committee in January 2009 when she and her husband, Keith, left Hong Kong on Keith’s retirement from the Jockey Club after 27 years in Hong Kong. On behalf of the Federation, I should like to record a vote of thanks to Wendy for her invaluable contributions over the years and wish Keith and her a happy new life in Cyprus. I understand horses will still feature prominently in their lives and you may even book a lesson with Wendy if you visit their farmhouse.

The Executive Committee appointed Ms. Soong I-Ping to fill the casual vacancy created by Wendy’s resignation. That appointment expires at the forthcoming AGM and I-Ping has offered herself for election to the Executive Committee.

After 13 years, as a member of Executive Committee and the last seven years as Vice-

President of the Federation, Edwin McAuley has decided to step down. To use his own words “It is an appropriate time to find new, fresh minds who will help guide the Federation in directions which might be quite different from those followed in the past.” In a show of magnanimity that is his way, Edwin has offered to continue to assist us in any way he can. It is hard to find anyone more passionate about our sport and more knowledgeable about its technicalities. He brims with infectious enthusiasm that makes him a great ambassador of our sport. We will have no difficulty finding him a job! Edwin has been tremendously helpful to me personally, since I became Chairman and for myself and on behalf of all of you I wish to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude for all his contributions.


Simon Ip















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