Mr. Ho, President of AEF,Remarks on the Aug,15 International Endurance in Inn

火龙驹 发表于 2009-9-2 12:37:00 [显示全部楼层] 回帖奖励 倒序浏览 阅读模式 0 2720


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<p><font color="#555555" size="2"><sub>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Approved by State Physical Culture Administration, the first International Endurance in Inner Mongolia, China held in the grassland of Siklingelei on Aug 15th has successfully ended. This competition has been promoted by Chinese Equestrian Website (<a href=""></a>), which helped the CEA organized the operation team and invited most of the riders from both home and abroad. Most of the judges, including 2 international judges, are from the website and they have much experience&nbsp; of competitions organized by&nbsp; Chinese Equestrian Website .</sub></font></p><p><font color="#555555" size="2"><sub>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In accordance with the FEI rule, 10 riders from 8 countries, together with 30 mainland riders attended the competition. The competition stage set at the beautiful Xilin river Jiuqu and Xinlin lake reservoir, with typical grassland marsh physiognomy, and the whole length is 80 KM, dividing into 4 stages.&nbsp;&nbsp; </sub></font></p><p><font color="#555555" size="2"><sub>&nbsp;28 riders have completed the course in accordance with the rules. Mr. Ho Nai Yue, President of Aisan Equestrian Federation,has made remarks on the Aug,15 International Endurance in Inner Mongolia&nbsp; in a letter reply to Mr.Su, Director of Tourism Bureau of Xilin Gol League as follows:</sub></font></p><p><font color="#555555" size="2"><sub><font color="#1111ee"><strong>Links :</strong></font></sub><a class="tt1" href="" target="_blank"><font color="#1111ee"><strong>China&nbsp;will&nbsp;hold&nbsp;more&nbsp;international&nbsp;endurance</strong></font></a><font color="#000000">

Mr. Ho, President of AEF,Remarks on the Aug,15 International Endurance in Inner Mongolia

Mr. Ho, President of AEF,Remarks on the Aug,15 International Endurance in Inner Mongolia
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/10/15 12:25:46编辑过]
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