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这次国际耐力赛比赛全程1000千米,使用多匹马进行比赛,吸引了世界马术界的眼球。8月22日26名国际骑手从蒙古帝国(Great Kahaan)的古都哈拉和林(Kaharkorin )出发,开始了美妙的蒙古大草原之旅。每20-40公里设一个兽医工作点,沿途一共设了23个兽医工作点。骑手们要在2周之内完成全部行程,一位蒙古骑手和一名南非骑手共同创造了比赛的历史,仅用了7天时间就完成了比赛。
关于蒙古德比的Q&A: The Organisers组织者 The Mongol Derby is being organised by a UK - Mongolian joint venture. Headed up by the Adventurists, a UK based company working in close partnership with Tengri Group a Mongolian company. 蒙古德比是由一家英蒙合资的公司组织的,由与腾格里集团(一家蒙古公司)有密切合作关系的英国基地公司冒险主义者(Adventurists)主管。 We are working a huge range of consultants and advisers from all over the world to set up the Derby. They bring their incredible wealth of knowledge about horses, Mongolia, veterinary care and medical back up to the Derby to ensure is a success and help maintain our excellent animal welfare program. 他们拥有世界各地强大的顾问团来建立德比,拥有丰富的关于马、蒙古、兽医治疗的知识和药物来支持德比成功的举办,并且帮助维持良好的动物福利项目。 Dates and times时间 When does it start? 什么时候开始? The world's first Mongol Derby will set forth on Saturday 22 August 2009. However there will be pre-race training before this date, on 20 and 21 August 2009. 比赛于2009年8月22日开始,8月20和21日两天是赛前训练。 When does it finish? 什么时候结束? We're setting a two week time limit for the Mongol Derby. We will be throwing the official finish party at the end on Saturday 5 September. 2周之内必须完成整个赛程,9月5日举办赛后官方聚会。 Is the Mongol Derby a race? 蒙古德比是一个比赛么? The Mongol Derby is first and foremost an adventure and a multi horse race second. Whether you try and complete the Derby quickly or whether you want to take it slower and admire the view, is up to you. 蒙古德比首先最重要的是一个冒险,其次是一个多匹马接力的比赛。想尽快完成比赛或者慢慢走欣赏风景完全取决于你。 What sort of terrain will the Mongol Derby cover? 蒙古德比的路线地形是怎样的? The Mongol Derby covers nearly 1000 km of Mongolian steppe so you'll be riding over open grassland, hills and rivers. 路线覆盖了将近1000千米的蒙古大草原,因此你们将其行穿过空旷的草原、丘陵和河流。 How hot is it going to be? 天气会有多热? During the day the temperatures can range from 15 to 35 degrees centigrade. However, at night the thermometer could drop significantly. 比赛期间,白天温度在15到30度范围内。但是晚上气温会大幅度下降。 Is the Mongol Derby dangerous? 蒙古德比危险么? Yes of course it is. This is not a horse-trekking holiday. You'll be riding for days on end across miles of rough, sparsely inhabited terrain. Your thigh s will ache. If you have even the slightest inclination to take part, you need to read the The Warning section. As a rider you'll be outside, exposed to the elements, dehydration and heatstroke are very real dangers. It is essential that you familiarise yourself with the symptoms and treatment of both and take necessary precautions to avoid getting ill. The horses will be mollycoddled with expert veterinary care but as a rider you will not (not to mention the fact that each horse only travels 40km but riders cover the whole course). 当然。这个不是一个骑马旅行假日。你将骑马数日,穿过绵延数里的粗犷的人烟稀少的地区。你的大腿会疼。 如果你有一丝愿望想参与比赛,你需要先读一下警告章节。 作为一个骑手,你将暴露于自然的恶劣天气中,还有你可能会脱水和中暑,这些都很危险。你必须熟悉这些症状和治疗方法,并且采取预防措施来避免生病。 马匹将得到专业的兽医的照顾,但是骑手却不能受到照顾(更不用提每一匹马只需完成40KM的路程,而选手要完成整个1000KM赛程了。) How the charity fundraising works 慈善筹款是如何运行的? The Mongol Derby 2009 is a true humdinger of an adventure, and to make it even better, it aims to save a bit of the world too. Like all the other marvellous offerings from co-organisers The Adventurists, each rider taking part has to raise a minimum of £1000 for the official Mongol Derby charity, Mercy Corps. Thanks to the riders' hard work and clever tricks the inaugral edition of the world's longest and toughest horse race will raise more than £25,000 for charity. 2009蒙古德比是一次非常好的冒险,并且为了使活动办得更好,它的目标也是拯救世界的一点资源。正如由冒险主义者(The Adventurists)慷慨的提供一样,每一个参与的骑手必须为蒙古德比官方的慈善机构-慈善团(Mercy Corps)筹集至少1000欧的慈善款。感谢所有骑手的努力工作和高明的技巧,世界上最长和最艰险的马术比赛将为慈善事业筹集2.5万欧的慈善款。 One of our main principles is that we don't blur the line between giving money to charity and having a bloody good adventure. So we don't touch a single penny of the money that is donated, it goes direct to the charity. When you give some of your hard earned cash to a rider you can be sure it all goes to the right place. 我们一个主要原则是我们不会将慈善筹款和此次绝妙的冒险混淆一起。我们不会动用捐助的一分钱,它将直接进入慈善机构。但您将您的血汗钱投给一个骑手时,它将直接进入它应该去的地方。 The Mercy Corps project being funded by the riders is in Mongolia - we think it's important that adventures like this support the regions and countries that make it all possible by hosting the event and providing huge amounts of support. You can find out more about our official charity, Mercy Corps, by clicking here. 由骑手资助的慈善团(Mercy Corps)工程在蒙古开办,我们认为重要的一点是类似这样的冒险活动支持有可能举办这样的活动并且能提供大量的支持的国家和地区的发展。想了解更多我们官方的慈善机构慈善团的信息请点击这里。 The Horses 马 What sort of horses are we going to be riding? 我们将骑的是什么样的马? You will be riding traditional Mongolian horses, an extremely tough breed that has changed little since the Mongol Hordes swept across Asia on their backs in the early thirteenth century. They range in size from 12 to 14 hands high and are famously tough, living out on the steppes all year round. Despite their small size they are most definitely horses, not ponies. See the Horses section for more. 你们将骑的是传统的蒙古马-一个非常吃苦耐劳的品种。自从13世界早期蒙古游牧部落马背上横扫亚洲之后,这一品种几乎没有变化。他们的身高范围在12到13手,非常壮实,整年生活在干草原上。尽管身形较小,他们是真正的马,而不是小型马。更多关于马的信息请点击这里。 Do I have any way of selecting my horses before the race? 比赛前我能够选自己的马么? No. You will only be able to select the horse you are riding in the next stage once you reach that particular Urtuu. Horse Welfare Logistics 马的福利后勤保障 The Mongol Derby is a completely new type of horse event so keeping the horses safe has been the centre of all our planning. We have installed a massive horse welfare logistics program to monitor the health of the animals throughout the event. This has been designed not to take away from the feeling of being in the wilderness so unless it is an emergency situation it should be hidden away from view. With pre-event vet checks as well as vet checks before and after each horse is ridden the horses receive close monitoring. With mobile emergency vet units patrolling the course and tracking the riders with GPS they will be ready to respond quickly with excellent veterinary care. Find out more about the horse welfare. 蒙古德比是一个个全新的马的比赛,因此保持马匹安全使我们计划的中心任务。我们在整个赛事中安排了一个庞大的马匹福利后勤保障项目来协调控制动物的健康。这个项目设计为了保持赛道的荒原的感觉,除非发生紧急情况,不然马匹福利后勤保障项目不会出现在视野范围内的。赛前的兽医检查以及每匹马在比赛前后都会得到密切的监控。设有移动的紧急情况兽医单位在赛道进行巡逻,利用GPS跟踪骑手,他们将会迅速反应采取很好的兽医治疗方法。 Rider Welfare Logistics 骑手的福利后勤保障 So the horses are well catered for, but what about the riders? With the same GPS tracking system and emergency call buttons the riders can alert our expert emergency medical truck with world class expedition medics, who will spring into action. Remember this is a tough event and anyone considering entering needs to be fully aware of the risks. 马得到了良好的保障,骑手呢?通过同样的GPS跟踪系统和紧急呼叫按钮,我们的专业的紧急救援车辆将立刻赶到现场,世界顶级的探险医疗队伍将立刻采取行动。记住这是一次艰苦的离线,每个考虑参与的人需要充分意识到其中的风险。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/9/25 15:49:08编辑过] |