火龙驹, 无缺,云淡风清: Thank you for reading our adventures! The next morning, Doo Doo and Chan Chan were still together and relaxing and basking in the warm morning sun. I sneaked up behind Chan Chan and touched his mane with my fingers, then I slowly gave him a hug. Most horses, even those we kept at home, would not let me hug them while they were lying on the ground, resting. Chan Chan was such a sweet, gentle soul, that he trustingly lay there motionless, enjoying the caress of a stranger: 
Breakfast was almost ready, Feiying had made some really delicious noodles with the tomatoes he took from his garden. Some of the tomatoes had become "tomato paste" in the plastic bag he stored them in!!!! Now we were quite convinced that this guy could really cook: 
By the time we put everything away into bags on The Spy, it was already 11:30am!! It was time to move on. "We had a long journey ahead of us!" said Siao Ma: 
We were heading towards the North, into the famous Yemeneti Summer Pastures, towards the direction of Kazastan and Russia: 
The Yemeneti Summer Pasture was desserted at this time of year. The grassland had also turned brown, as if awaiting the harsh cold Winter. Riding hastily through the grassland, we could only imagine how cheerful and green everything had been, with all the sheep and cattle and horses, grazing happily here in Summer: 
"We had to come back in Summer" I said. We crossed a shallow river with clear sparkling, cold water, with the horses stopping to drink: 
The longer I made my journey with Doo Doo, the more I began to know him. He is a smart little horse, with exceptional intelligence to find the best path for himself and me. For example, while we were crossing rivers, instead of following the horse in front blindly, he preferred to find his own way, the shortest path with the calmest and shallowest water: 
Doo Doo was also light-footed and forward, independant and courageous. Now I understood finally why Siao Ma called him " a dream horse": 
Whether we were going through sandy earth, grassland, water, bushes, rocky terrain, even snow covered ground, uphill or downhill, Doo Doo would not hesitate to take me where I wanted to go, he is really one brave little horse. Now I understood why Sio Ma was so proud of Doo Doo, it was pure joy to make this journey together with Doo Doo: 
As for Little Red, we were warned by his owner (the guy who did not showed much compassion to his animals) that Little Red could be difficult to handle, that he was a "LAR BOO ZHU HORSE". Meaning you could not stop him by pulling the reins.That he was supposed to be quite fast and wild: 
Well, the truth was, Little Red was one very tired horse and was no longer "LAR BOO ZHU"! We concluded that he must have been rented out so much all Summer that he had not yet recovered from all those journeys. So he was always the last one in our group and had to be encouraged a lot by Jason. According to Feiying, Little Red used to be one "fierce and speedy horse" in the past year. Honestly, we could not discover any trace of such qualities in poor Little Red: 
Being a Tour Leader, you also had to "Hold Your Horses" for the members of the expedition team. Here is a picture of Feiying "holding the horses" while we went to toilet, wakakaka : 
To be continued........................ |