As the expedition team was wondering how they could cross the rapids (equivalent to level 4 in the Zambizee River in Africa): 
Doo Doo made a gesture and beckoned us to follow him, as if to say, "come on guys, follow me. I know the way!" 
So the whole team followed Doo Doo and trotted into the forest, Little Red was very thirsty and he drank from the clear water from a spring in the ground: 
The journey in the forest was as beautiful as ever: 
The trees were gold in the sunlight,with little leaves shimmering in the warm Autumn sun: 
We trotted past small brooks and streams through the forest: 
And came to a flat piece of picnic ground. It was already 3:30 in the afternoon, and we decided to finish what's left of the picnic snacks in our saddle bags: 
Soon afterwards, as we went on our way,the Spy was getting impatient. "I want to go home, I want to go home, these bags are just too heavy for me!" He grumbled to himself: 
Finally, a small hanging bridge lay before our eyes. Doo Doo has indeed led us to this very old bridge: 
Courageous Doo Doo and me were the first to cross, the old bridge swaying back and forth under our feet: 
Next was Little Red and Jason, the Spy decided he would not be left behind, and he followed Little Red closely: 
Jason decided he would like to take more pictures on the other side, so he turned around and walked back: 
The Spy decided he would have none of this picture taking non-sense, and continued with his way across the bridge alone. I have never seen a more stubborn horse than the Spy: 
As we continued on the other side of the brige, it took us 45 minutes of walking on the hard-paved carriageway. We took care not to canter as it would be bad for the horses's legs. Soon we arrived at the carpark of Jardinyu, and we knew it was time to say good bye to Siao Ma and the horses. Little Red , with his big eyes, seemed to say to Jason," You know, I used to run so fast, no one could stop me! But after so many winters, I am getting old, and the metal they put in my mouth hurt me more and more each year! But I know you are a kind man, you never pulled my mouth very hard. I hope you will come back every year to see me, and we could make another journey together. Kanas is my home, and I love this place!" 
Tears came to my eyes as I bid farewell to Doo Doo, Chan Chan, the other horses and Siao Ma. Doo Doo had been carrying me for 5 whole days non stop, so faithful and yet so gentle.The feeling of being with a horse for 5 days is a very strong bonding between the horse and the rider.He was the smartest and courageous little horse I have met. As I handed him back to his owner Siu Ma, I felt sad at parting with Doo Doo, but at the same time i felt relieved that he had a good owner who loved him and would take good care of him (unlike many horse grooms who used the horses merely as a tool): 
Would i ever see Doo Doo again? be continued..............
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/11/18 18:14:41编辑过] |