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<p><font face="Arial Black" color="#000000">Equine Body working:</font></p><p>Equine Body Working is a 'whole horse' approach to promote wellbeing in the horse, help them to work in the best way possible and in the prevention and care of soft tissue injuries. It uses knowledge of equine anatomy and physiology, nutrition, dentistry, saddle fitting and farrier science, biomechanics and gait analysis, equine behavioural patterns toghter with hands on palpation and massage, Myofascial release techniques and passive strethching.</p><p></p><p align="left"><strong>Equine Sports Massage:</strong></p><p align="left">Massage is used to 'influence' soft tissue using various hand techniques(strokes) in a specific manner. Massage is an ancient art-translations from Chinese manuscripts 3000 years ago mention massage.</p><p align="left">Massage is applied by exerting pressure to exterior surface of the body to affect the soft tissure structures underneath. MASSAGE DOES NOT DEVELOP MUSCLE TONE!~!~!</p><p align="left"><strong></strong></p><p align="left"><strong>What does Massage do?</strong></p><p align="left"><strong>Mechanical-</strong>enhances passage of wast-laden venous blood & influences lymph flow<strong>. </strong></p><p align="left"><strong>Reflex</strong>- Promotes relaxation-passing hands over skin, in repetitve manner, triggers impulses which cause local muscle relaxation.</p><p align="left"><strong>Stimulatory</strong></p><p align="left"><strong></strong></p><p align="left"><strong></strong></p><p align="left"></p><p align="left"><strong>Benefits</strong></p><ul><li><div align="left">increased range of motion-enhanced performance and gait</div></li><li><div align="left">improved stamina</div></li><li><div align="left">improved disposition - Induces relaxation which can alter perception of pain </div></li><li><div align="left">relieves muscle spasm and tension</div></li><li><div align="left">enhances muscle tone</div></li><li><div align="left">improve circulation (increased blood and lymph circulation=increased oxygen and removal of waste)</div></li><li><div align="left">reduce tactile defence(behaviour)</div></li><li><div align="left">assess physical condition</div></li></ul><p align="left">(Note: In muscles which are overused or stressed, nerves become'excited' and cause the horse to twitch and muscles to shorten:= muscle less able to do its job and muscle fibres get damaged/torn ...=pain and less free movement)</p><p align="left"></p><p align="left"><strong></strong></p><p align="left"><strong></strong></p><p align="left"><strong>When not to masage?</strong></p><ul><li><div align="left">injury - less than seven days old - especially torn areas, haematoma, internal bleeding </div></li><li><div align="left">illness</div></li><li><div align="left">lame - weight bearing</div></li><li><div align="left">elevated pulse</div></li><li><div align="left">temperature</div></li><li><div align="left">lethargic, loss of appetite</div></li><li><div align="left">skin lesions - bacterial or viral infection</div></li><li><div align="left">age - only do youngsters if vet gives ok, old horses - only general stuff</div></li><li><div align="left">deformities - only if vet says so (however, in China there are few Equine vet!~!~)</div></li></ul><p align="left">(Note: After Injury - after proper healing, massage can help to restore muscle tissue to normal function)</p><p align="left"><strong></strong></p><p align="left"><strong></strong></p><p align="left"><strong></strong></p><p align="left"><strong></strong></p><p align="left"><strong>People who can do massage on horses in China!~!~!</strong></p><p align="left">unfortunately,,,,, i couldnt find any information on this! if any one knows anyone who could do massage on horses and qualified, please update the information...</p><p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p><p align="left"></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-30 3:21:38编辑过]
h4v6sY |