以下是引用hppeng在2010/6/13 14:16:00的发言: Jose,
The writing is a bit different than the "real" free shaping idea. The reason is in the "pure" free shaping, the behavior is established first before the cue is introduced. In the scenario above, the cue is introduced before the behavior is established.
In any case, as long as you're not using force or "escalation of the pressure" to make the animals obey, it is still ok. However, I have to say that pure free shaping gives better result. The drawback is it takes more patience and requires more trainer's skills.
>You tap the hoof or fetlock with a training stick. >The horse shifts her weight …
What if the horse does not shift its weight?
Try other method like targeting or any other new ideas. Make sure you NEVER EVER increase the pressure so your horse makes a try. If yo do this, you "force the horse do". This is also the reason why clicker training never blends well with NH. In NH, trainers are "granted" the right to drive the horse around by "pressure", "escalation of pressure", and "release of pressure". I still remember how Clinton Anderson teaches the horse to back up. He escalates the feeling of discomfort by shaking the lead rope violently till the horse makes a try to back up. Poor horse, I think. It works, but do you think that the horse would like to see this "back up" cue? Alex once commented on this NH method by saying "I do not want my horse to HATE back up".
The fundamental philosophy between the two is totally different.
Check out what Karen said :
======== In clicker training (operant conditioning with a marker signal) the behavior is developed first, as an operant freely offered in expectation of positive reinforcement. The discriminative stimulus is then paired with that operant in order to function as an indicator of a reinforcement opportunity. Each discriminative stimulus signals the opportunity to earn reinforcement for one particular behavior or suite of behaviors. This positively trained discriminative stimulus always 'opens the door' to positive reinforcement. If the behavior does not occur, the only result is that no reinforcement occurs. When the behavior occurs, reinforcement is guaranteed. ===========
回H版,说实话,还挺迷茫的,Karen 的正强化理论已验证在海洋大型哺乳动物方面取得了卓越的成绩,但我们调教的是马匹,是否有必要完全放弃压力,我还需要时间慢慢摸索思考. 我现在还是以Jose自我为中心,Jose 掌控着一切,特别是对Ranger,在场内我必须先让它绝对服从,才有机会带它出野外,也明白这种状况下的骑乘是可悲的,Ranger是被动的, 这也是为什么我放弃Ranger的原因,希望下个月我朋友的快步马可以给我全新的感受。