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CHF 2011全新形象迎盛会 |
CHF 2011 updated its vision image |
为了以更加专业和国际化的全新形象更好地服务全球马产业,第五届中国国际马展(CHF2011)现已经全面改版和更新了展会官方网站和标识。除了升级展会形象,CHF 2011 还将从展会宣传推广、展会专业买家邀请、展会展商服务等方面进一步提升品质,使这一专业马产业国际交流与贸易平台达到国际水平。 |
CHF应邀成为北京马术运动协会理事单位 |
CHF was invited to be one of the governing units of Beijing Turf & Equestrian Association |
今年1月,CHF已应邀成为北京市马术运动协会的理事单位。 北京市马术运动协会现拥有包括马术俱乐部、马术用品公司、马匹养殖公司、马术推广公司等团体会员70余个,为北京市马术运动的普及和发展起着决定性的作用。北京除了是马术俱乐部最为集中的城市,也是马匹和马具交易量全国最大的城市。北京每年进口马匹的数量在300至400匹左右。北京是马术运动最为活跃的市场,拥有全国最多的马术爱好者,每年举办大量赛事。目前北京的马术运动产业正向着职业化、专业化和市场化的方向发展,是中国马术运动和马匹贸易发展的风向标。 CHF作为理事单位,将在北京马术运动协会的支持下,以及中国马术协会的指导下,立足北京这一核心马术运动和马匹贸易市场,辐射全国乃至世界马产业,更好地服务国内外马产业生产商、贸易商、代理商、经销商、马主以及马术爱好者等。 |
In January, CHF became one of the governing units of Beijing Turf & Equestrian Association. The equestrian sports are most active in Beijing. The highest concentration of equestrian clubs are located here and most related competitions are organised in Bejing. Beijing has the highest volume of trade for horses importing 300-400 horses annually and is home to many of the country’s most professional equestrian sports and riding clubs. As a result Beijing also see a very high demand for horse riding equipment. As the political and cultural centre of China, the development of equestrian sports and horse trading in Beijing is leading the rest of the country. With the support of Beijing Turf & Equestrian Association, CHF 2011 will serve the Chinese and international professional horse sports and lesiure industries better this year. |
CHF2011展位预订火热 |
Five previous exhibitors have already confirmed to exhibit at CHF 2011 |
新年伊始,第五届中国马展(CHF 2011)就以崭新的面貌迎来了第一批参展企业。首批确认参展的五家企业均出展了去年的展会,他们分别是荷兰Henswoude马场、司洋诺马具、千福织带五金制品有限公司、河南中泰工业品有限公司、南通雅洲服饰有限公司。司洋诺马具更是将自己的出展面积由去年的9平方米增加到了27平方米。据统计,企业确认参展的时间较往年提前了近两个月。国内外行业企业对第五届中国马展的青睐,不仅肯定了上一届展会的效果,同时也表现出对本届展会再次成功举办的十足信心。 |
Previous exhibitors of CHF are satisfied with the result of last year’s show. Therefore, five of them have already confirmed there stands for this year. They are Henswoude (Netherlands), Snowbee, PetLand, Cen-tai, and Asia Gloves. Compared with last year, Snowbee increased their stand from 9 to 27 sqm, which shows their confidence for CHF. All of these exhibitors believe that CHF 2011 will deliver them a more successful show this time. |
河南中泰工业品有限公司 Henan Cen-Tai Co., ltd. |
主要产品:马鞍 Core Product: Saddle |
展位号 Booth No.:C06 |
千福织帶五金制品有限公司 PetLand Co., Ltd. |
主要产品:颈圈、背腹带、手牵带等 Core Product: Collapsible |
展位号Booth No.:062 |
上海司洋诺马具 Snowbee |
主要产品:马鞍、马衣、马术头盔、马靴、马术手套、骑手服装等 Core Product: Saddle, Helmet, Boot, Glove, Horsecloth, Rider clothing |
展位号Booth No.:042、043、044 |
南通雅洲服饰有限公司 Nantong Asia Apparel & Accessories Co., Ltd. |
主要产品:马术手套 Core Product: Glove |
展位号Booth No.:C09 |
南京斯瑞奇医疗用品有限公司 3H Medical Corporation |
主要产品 马匹防护用品 Medical and Healthcare Products~ |
展位号Booth No.:003 |
Henswoude |
主要产品:弗里斯兰马 Core Product: Friesian horse |
展位号Booth No.:005 |
展位预订通告 Latest Reserved Stands 除了以上的展位,以下编号的展位也于近期接受了国内和国外企业的预订,最终展位确定情况将在下一期“展会电子简报”的“展商推介”版块公布。展位号Booth No.:008、009、012、031、032、033、034、035、036、037、038、039、040、050、051、052、053、054、055、058、059 |
第四届中国国际马展(CHF 2010)共吸引了来自中国、中国台湾、中国香港、美国、澳大利亚、荷兰、德国、法国、爱尔兰、西班牙、瑞士、加拿大共12个国家和地区的展商集体亮相,同时也迎来了来自27个国家和地区的超过3000的专业买家参观展会,数量较2009年增长了50%。值得一提的是,传统马产业强国——法国和荷兰也选择第四届中国马展作为其本国企业首次以国家展团的形式参与在中国境内举办的展会。 When last held in October 2010, CHF attracted over 3,000 professional buyers and specifiers from China’s leading horse breeders, equestrian/polo/racing clubs, stables, rider training facilities, specialist equine products distributors and agents etc. For exhibitors at CHF 2010, this gathering of top buyers represented a unique opportunity to boost their sales in China. Exhibitors from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, USA and of course China, took this opportunity to promote their products and services to these key industry contacts who in turn were treated to a world class display of the very best in horse breeds, along with the latest equipment and services for equine and rider training, health, safety and facility management. Many new business relationships were formed and record levels of sales enquiries received - in summary, CHF 2010 was the most successful yet! |
主办单位: |
中国马术协会 |
Sponsor: |
Chinese Equestrian Association |
支持单位: |
北京市马术运动协会 |
Supporters: |
Beijing Turf & Equestrian Association |
中国马术网·中国马友联盟 |
展会承办: |
上海好博塔苏斯展览有限公司 |
Organisers: |
Tarsus Hope Exhibition Co. Ltd. |
英国塔苏斯集团 |
Tarsus Group plc. |
| | | | | | | | | | |