Megan has successfully entered the Ukraine, a few days agoreceived her mail, she wrote in the message: 5
I have now arrived in Ukraine Zhabo Li, Asia, met with many setbacks along the way. On September 20, when I tried to crossRussia to Ukraine, when this journey, my horse can not beallowed to enter the Ukraine. Nadiya in Ukraine with the help ofEnglish teacher, I successfully entered into the Ukraine.
The picture shows me and Andrei in the Bolashak photo ofthe border. Bolashak the Russian border city. Andrei was aVeterinary Officer. Rowena has now been with me three weeks, wang jinbing (with me riding in the Great Wall of China, a friend) will arrive to take over management of transport carriage Rupert.Mr. Victor has given me great help to the carriage thattransported broken and repaired cleaned, he said to keep in touch with us. Ukraine is a country style, very beautiful, also verysuitable for riding.
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