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好鞍必须使用顶级的好牛皮,而牛皮之典雅,如美女天生丽质以外,正确的保养是绝对必要。 1. 首先在不乘骑时必须放置在阴凉通风处,不可太阳直晒。暴晒之下,皮肉之油脂容易蒸发,而使皮革产生龟裂,亦不可放置在太潮湿啊地方,太潮皮会吸湿而发霉,只要一发霉,皮会腐蚀而烂掉。 2. 在北方,过低的气温,空气中干燥也会使皮干裂,而南方长时间的雨季,慎防淋雨。虽马鞍都有防水之功效,但无防水之功能。 3. 乘骑过后,必有汗渍。不论人或马,汗属碱性,对皮革及金属扣具都会有腐蚀,因此必须用护理皮件专用之微酸之肥皂用来之清洁,且必须彻底,除表面外,里层也必须清洁干净,以免留下污垢,而坏了马鞍。 4. 清洗完晒干后,必须使用保养马鞍之专用润滑油,保养蜡或养护油,在做一次表面处理,以保持皮革之亮丽弹性,亦如美女化妆,粉底保湿,打磨,润滑一样不可或缺,则永保青春美丽,人见人爱。 Care instructions An exception saddle requires exceptional cow leather which must be treated in a particular way to preserve its life and appearance The leather should be protected from the sunlight to prevent the drying of essential leather oils . Tt should be stored in a dry place Our leather products should be cleaned of sweat and dirt with leather soap and treated with a special leather fat or oil .
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