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下马 To dismount(from the left, or neat, side), remove both feet from the stirrups. Put the reins and whip in the left hand. Put your left hand on the horse’s neck, and lean forward. Put your right hand on the front arch of the saddle. Swing your right leg back and clear over the horse’s back, allowing both feet to slip to the ground. You should land lightly, bending your knees and avoiding the horse’s forelegs. Then with your right hand take hold of the reins a short distance from the bit. 如果要下马,先把你的双脚都从马镫里拿出来(对于初学者来说可以让左脚留在马镫里,作为支撑(稍后会讲到),在右脚落地之后再把左脚拿出,因为初次骑乘双脚落地可能会因为肌肉过度使用而脚软,曾经看过一个可怜的马友没站住,就那么摔在地下了- -)。把缰绳和鞭子放在左手里。把你的左手放在马脖子上,同时身体向前倾。把右手放在马鞍的前拱处。向后摆动你的右腿利落的越过马背,让你的双脚滑落到地上。你的双脚应该轻轻的落到地面,稍稍弯曲你的膝盖注意不要碰到马匹的前腿。下马之后用右手持缰,并保持到衔铁距离稍短(以便你可以控制马匹)。 To Dismount Using Stirrup 使用马镫下马 Although this alternative method is given (it may necessary in the case of a disability) it is not recommended for general use. It is essential for the horse to be held by an assistant. To dismount on the left (near) side, take the reins and whip in the left hand and rest them on the horse’s neck in front of the withers. Put your right hand on the front arch of the saddle and at the same time slip your right foot out of the stirrup. Pass your right leg over the horse’s back and put your right hand on the waist of the saddle. Remove your left foot from the stirrup and then let both feet slip to the ground. 虽然这是一种替代方式(如果你行动不便或身体不适有必要使用这种方式),但这不是普遍的方式,如果有必要这么做需要有一名助理牵住马匹。 从左边下马,,左手持缰绳和马鞭并把左手放在马脖子靠近耆甲处。把右手放在马鞍前部同时让你的右脚脱离马镫。右腿越过马的后背,同时把右手放在马鞍的腰部(左脚先不要拿出来,身体前倾腹部紧贴马鞍作为支撑)。把你的左脚从马镫里拿出来,然后双脚轻轻的落地。(当你骑马和与马接触时需要注意的一大原则就是动作要轻柔,马匹是很敏感的动物,你的任何的突然动作或许会对马匹或自己造成伤害)
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