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这老哥想找1947年美国买给中国的几十匹摩根马的后代。据他说在抗美援朝时志愿军的将军骑过,山丹等甘肃等地有,据说就是关中马,甚至在呼和浩特八十年代都有它们和三河马的杂交后代。最后他还在中国牛马羊的品种网站上见过。具体请看下文和链接。如果谁见到了这些摩根马的后代,请告诉这个老哥。 Judi Daly <judiemail@yahoo.com> http://www.morganphotoarchive.com/page29.html 

I am hoping someone can help me. I'm an american doing research for an article on some Morgan horses that were exported from the US to China in 1947 to be part of the government breeding program. I am trying to find out what happened to these horses.
If you can help me, I will send you more information on them.
Thank you in advance
Dear Watzala, I am so glad you will try to help me! Here is some more information: Twenty-six Morgan horses were purchased by the Chinese government to improve the native stock. Unfortunately, the Chinese revolution followed, and all official information of these horses vanished. They purchased 14 Morgan mares and 12 Morgan stallions. General Tsui was one of the officials that purchased the horses. They arrived Octobers 22, 1947 in Shanghai and were supposed to stay there until the end of January. At that point, they were supposed to be moved by plane. The horse, Magellan was purchased from the US Morgan Horse Farm and was supposed to go to the Military Min-Sian Stud in Kansuh Province. The horse Senator Bain was purchased from Helen Greenwalt and the horse Rhythm Ramble purchased from C.J. O'Neil also went to the Min-Sian Stud with 10 mares. The horse Red Rockwood purchased from E. E. Gustason was going to the Military Sung-Ming Stud in Yunnan Province with Red Lancer who was purchased from E.W. Roberts. Four mares also went there. That is the last official trace we have of the Morgans. The horse, Magellan, was believed to be seen ridden by a Chinese general in 1954 in North Korea by the US photographer Pappy Noel. In the early 80's, a group of Americans went on an agricultural tour in China. They visited the Equestrian Center in Mongolia near the town of Huhehot. Outside of Huhehot, they toured a collective farm where they saw the Three Rivers Horse, and were told that some of the horses there were half Three Rivers and half Morgan. One report states, a Chinese officer was seen riding one of them in North Korea by an American photographer who was a POW during the American/Korean war. According to “Volume One and Two Animal Industry Volume, Chinese Agriculture Encyclopedia” horses with Morgan blood called the Hegu horse are located at he the Hegu horse farm in Minxian County and Sandu County in Gansu Province. Well, I hope this information is useful. I appreciate all the help you can give me. I am wondering what happened the specific Morgans that went to China, as well as whether there are any Morgans that are still left. My very first horse was a Morgan, and I have owned a Morgan/Arab cross for 18 years, now. Morgans are wonderful horses. They are beautiful and very versatile. I was wondering, if the Morgan blood is still prominent in any Chinese horses, if they would be used during the Olympics in part of the ceremonies. They don’t excel in jumping, but there are some in this country that are doing very well in dressage. They are an ideal driving horse, but truthfully, most Morgans end up belonging to regular people as their own personal riding horse. Thank you so much for trying to help me.
Sincerely, Judi Daly Dear Watzula, I think I foind some Morgans! look at this website: http://www.consdabi.org/Eventi/RazzeCinesi/S6CavalliCinesi/BiodiversityCineseCavalli.htm This horse is so much like a Morgan, he would pass for one in the USA. The other horses shown of this breed on the link of this page are also very Morgan looking. Hqve you ever heard of this kind of horse? Sincerely, Judi
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