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英国老太太梅根,6月22日发信给中国马术网,宣布她即将在7月15日左右,重返中国,和李荆、彭文朝一起,继续“北京-伦敦:马蹄链接奥运”——中英友谊骑马大穿越。 4月下旬,当她行进到沽源境内,不慎落马,摔断4根肋骨和1根锁骨,胸腔积水,不得不回国修养。最近,她开始进行游泳训练,加快恢复速度。 对于60岁的女性,能够骑马,已属不易;万里穿越,更显坚毅;落马骨折,复加痛苦;继续上马,真乃铁娘子也! 

附:邮件正文 Just to let you all know that I am much better and hope to return to China in the middle of July - perhaps around the 15th (?) although I have not booked anything yet. I went to London last week to sort out my visa.
I am walking, doing some physiotherapy and have started swimming - I hope to get back on a horse again in the next couple of weeks!
I will let you know when I have booked a flight.
Megan The Long Horse Ride The Sino-British International Friendship Ride.
Beijing to London between the Olympics
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/6/23 12:25:20编辑过] |