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The good news is that I have achieved my 2011 aim of reaching the Ukraine-Hungarian border, which I did on Saturday.
The bad news is that I am once again beset by border problems and am stuck between Ukraine and Hungary. It seems that the horses are not allowed into Hungary as they originated from Kazakhstan, which is not a major problem in itself as I had intended to buy a new horse/horses if this issue arose, and I knew I had the winter to sort it out. The big problem is that having attempted to get into Hungary, the Ukrainian customs now will not let me back into Ukraine, although my Certificate of Transit was for 6 months - they say it is no longer valid as the horses have left Ukraine though they have not been allowed into Hungary! Catch 22. They are also being extremely difficult and unhelpful and virtually ejected me by force yesterday when I returned to the Ukraine side. Happily the Hungarian border veterinary dept are being as helpful as they can be, and we are parked in their compound, have use of their piping hot shower and the horses have free stabling for the short term. They have also provided me with an electricity lead so I can use my laptop - I can get some reception here in the lorry.
Rowena is sorting out application for a new Certificate of Transit from Kazakhstan - we should know on Wednesday whether the Ukraine Veterinary Dept in Kiev authorise it. If they don't it will be a nightmare, and I do not like to think of the possible consequences. If there is anyone on my newsletter list who has any suggestions/way of helping in the event that this does happen, please contact me.
I attach a photo of Hua, , me and little Zorbee at the Geographical centre of Europe which we passed last week.
h4v6sY |